Sunday, April 14, 2013

13 weeks.

I've been told this bump photo is somewhat deceiving as it was taken at night (after dinner)-
 and I was trying on a new, and very form fitting, maternity top.
Photo taken at 13 weeks and 3 days.
How far along: 13 weeks, 4 days

Size of the babies: A peach (or in this case, two peaches!)

Weight Gain: +6 pounds (boobs and belly!) P.S. Don't always count on a weekly weight update from me- I'm a shy girl I am!

Symptoms: I've had more morning sickness this time around- typical for a twin pregnancy- however, it's been managed by weekly acupuncture visits (I swear by acupuncture- it's amazing!) If I am sick- it's usually first thing in the morning on an empty stomach- I forgot the displeasures of dry-heaving. I've also had way more energy this past first trimester than I did when pregnant with Sofia. Apparently, Paula said the same thing when she was pregnant with Adam and Aaron. Hey- I'm a busy working mom... I'll take all the energy I can get! Other symptoms- a brief bout of constipation (bye-bye Zofran, hello Kashi Go Lean cereal!)

Maternity clothes: I have fully embraced them already- at 13 weeks- Sonja... if you're reading this... you were right about that! You pop quickly the second time around. I can still get away with some non-maternity tops but the majority of my "skinny" clothes are packed away... see you sometime next year (I hope!)

Exercise: Trying to get 3 walks in per week- it's pretty much weather dependent. My goal is to take a 15 minute walk on my lunch breaks but that hasn't happened yet. I also plan on participating in our Chalmers Insurance Group Walk 156 which starts May 15th. I have to walk 156 miles (which is as old as our company is) by mid-October (which is also coincidentally my due date)- haha... we'll see about that... but it's nice to have something to motivate me.

Sleep: I've finally broken out my body-length maternity pillow- it's like sleeping with an extra person in bed- but it seems to be helping. Overall, I'm sleeping pretty well- but I do jump right out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off in the AM- not because I'm a morning person by any means; rather, I have to pee... ASAP.

Food Cravings: The new McDonald's McWrap... grilled chicken with ranch... YUM... I'm embarrassed to say I've had 3 of them already (just in the past week and a half). Can't believe I'm admitting that....but it tastes SO good. I'm thirsty all the time.... been drinking lots and lots of water.

Food Aversions: Not as excited about eating salads these days- why can't I not be excited about eating cookies and brownies....?

Smells: My nose is on overload- I had to remove my Fabreeze Car Freshener the other day because I couldn't handle the potent smell of "Cool Breeze". I walked past the office kitchen the other day and about gagged because a co-worker was heating up broccoli and it stunk. Don't even get me started on Sofia's dirty diapers!

Relieved: We received the results of the MaterniT21 blood test and both babies tested NEGATIVE for Trisomy 21 (Downs syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), and Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome). Also, the test detected a Y chromosome so we know we are having atleast one boy! Not quite sure on the other twin's gender yet...we'll have to wait until the 16 week ultra sound to confirm. My gut feeling: two boys. I had a psyhic reading done about 5 years ago and she predicted that I would be having twin boys. Crazy huh?!

Excited: Now that we received favorable results from the MaterniT21 test, we've finally started announcing our pregnancy news with family, friends, and co-workers. It's priceless telling people that "we're pregnant.... with twins..." The reactions should all be recorded and posted on YouTube- I bet some would go viral. Don't expect our announcement to be on Facebook just yet- but it will be shortly. I also bought a few new maternity shirts on Saturday with Nina (hence, shirt in above photo) and I bought my first articles of boy clothing- Gap had a killer sale- an extra 30% off the Sale rack. I bought a few adorable Beatrix Potter Bunny sweaters and some boy socks. It's so weird looking at boy clothes in stores. Don't get me wrong- Sofia cleaned up on this Sale too.... she is mommy's little princess after all...

My little princess will always have my heart.
I've been told that Sofia looks
 like me in this picture! What do you think?
Jet Setter: I fly to our Nation's capital on Tuesday evening for a work conference. I'll be there until Saturday. I plan on mixing a little business with pleasure- it helps when you have college friends in D.C. I'm excited to see the Cherry blossoms in full bloom. Pictures to follow by next posting!

Shout out: To Nina for helping me create this blog template and for encouraging me to write a pregnancy blog. We'll see how well I do at this weekly posting thing!

Signing off for now... it is past my bedtime after all.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, love this post and the fact that you are blogging! :)
