Sunday, April 28, 2013

15 weeks.

15 weeks- 4 days... and hello new maternity skinny jeans! :-)

How far along: 15 weeks, 4 days

Size of the babies: Navel oranges

Weight Gain: 0 this week; total weight gain = 8 lbs (will have a more accurate idea when I go to the Dr's on Tuesday.)

Symptoms: Feeling great! I really can't complain. I visited my acupuncturist and got a "tune-up" but I think my morning sickness is a thing of the past and my energy level is great (and has been)throughout this whole pregnancy.

Maternity Clothes: The ensemble in the above photo is new- I made a stop at Old Navy on Saturday. I had read about their new maternity "skinny" jeans in an US Weekly magazine and decided that I had to have them- can't beat $34.95! Sofia was a trooper- she came with me- and hung out in the dressing room while I tried on a few things- she would tell me if she liked the outfit or not- she's very honest that one. Also- Nina gave me her maternity clothes- thank you, Nina! P.S. I've worn that green & white zebra Forever 21 shirt twice now- LOVE it.

Excercise: Now that the weather is nice- I'm really going to try to walk as often as possible. I was proud of myself for taking Zealand on a 3 mile walk this morning at 8 AM... not bad for a Sunday and it felt so good to be moving. Also- on May 16th I'm participating in "Walk For Wishes" in support of the Maine Make-A-Wish Foundation. I'll be walking Baxter Blvd in Portland along with other members of my Maine Young Agents Committee in addition to Chalmers employees that I've gotten to sign up as well.

Sleep: Sleeping great- love the fact that I can still sleep on my belly- as I'm a stomach sleeper all the way- will be so sad when I have to officially make the switch to my side. I still wake up pretty early to go to the bathroom but I'm happy that I can hold it until the morning- as getting up in the middle of the night is just no fun for a sleeping mama.

Food Cravings: Turkey burgers- especially the gourmet patties from Hannaford mixed with peppers and cheese... delish! We made the first ice cream stop of the season to the Windham Ice Cream Dug-Out. The woman in front of me in line ordered a chocolate covered waffle cone and I decided at that moment that I had to have one too... even though I never eat waffle cones. Man-on-man... that was one tasty treat. I've also been craving fresh strawberries (with whipped cream of course).

Food Aversions: Nothing really.... I'm even starting to eat salads again (hurray!)

Excited: My parents are back from Florida! We had dinner with them tonight and Sofia was so happy to see her Sitto and Papa... in fact, she's having an overnight at their house tonight. Also excited that the weather was so beautiful this weekend- Sofia and I pretty much spent most of Saturday outside- picnicing with a blanket and a bunch of her toys soaking up the sun... feels so good to have some color! Adam made a lot of progress on our basement playroom project (aka Project "Rainy Room".) Sofia calls it the "Rainy Room" because her Nanee and GP have a "Rainy Room" in their basement in Kennebunk that is pretty much a Palace Playland for kids- we are trying to copy it. A big thanks to Aaron, Michael & Paula, and Neil for all pitching in this weekend- they also cleaned out our garage and we took a bunch of things to the dump- I'm loving purging what we can... I can't stand clutter and I'm convinced Adam's a hoarder!

Also excited for my 16 week ultrasound and doctors appt this Tuesday as we'll hopefully find out the other twin's gender! Adam, Paula and Sofia are all coming with me, which I'm totally excited about- I think it will be especially good for Sofia to "see" her siblings that are in mommy's belly... although, she's still quite convinced that she has her little sister in her belly and that I have the baby brother in my belly.... out of the mouth's of babes....

Sitto & Sofia reunited!
 Sitto bought her that hot pink Gap jean jacket, as well as the Peter Pan figurines, that she's playing with at the table-
Oh that Sitto... she's quite the spoiler!

Additionally- I must share this photo of the three Cutter ladies that was taken a few weekends ago at Aaron & Nina's house. There's nothing better than Cutter love and girl power! P.S. Why is my daughter the Chatty Cathy on the phone? Hmmm... I wonder who she gets that from?!
Elise (6 months), Ainsley (3 yrs), Sofia (2 yrs)
Sidebar: I will be SO relieved once tomorrow is over as I have to give a big speech tomorrow morning at the Maine Insurance Agents Association's Annual Convention. I'll be speaking infront of 200 insurance professionals (CEOS, Agency Owners, agents, etc.) on behalf of the Maine Young Agents Committee, since I'm the Chairwoman. I have to talk about what our committee has been up to, who we are, what we're all about, etc. I've got my power point all ready to go- just need to go and practice my slides... on that note, I better sign off and go and practice my speech... wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. I love everything about this update! The pictures especially (you look great!) and all of the fun updates. Can't wait to hear about your appointment tomorrow! eeeee! Good luck on your presentation too.
    p.s. So glad you love that shirt-- it was my favorite too!
