Sunday, July 21, 2013

27 weeks.

I think there's a basketball in there...
better yet... a whole team of players!

How far along: 27 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Head of cauliflower

Baby Update: Babies are roughly 2 1/2 lbs and 14 1/2 inches from head to toe. Babies are sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing eyes, and even sucking their fingers. Babies' brains are now very active. Let's hope they're wicked smart so they get college scholarships!

Weight Gain: Roughly 35 lbs total- I'll know for sure this Friday when I go to the doctors.

Symptoms: Getting more and more tired and still nesting big time. Thanks to Nina for helping me organize the closet in the nursery today and for another bin of clothes. Still hitting the bathroom at least 1-2 times at night and my feet are a little swollen. This heat is killing me! I feel like I sweat all the time- even in air conditioning.

Movement: Good Lord- these babies are active.... especially at night when I'm resting or attempting to rest.

Exercise: Did some walking at the Yarmouth Clam Festival- does that count? Also helped with some gardening work today- weeding is hard work!

Sleep: Same as usual- hasn't gotten any worse, hasn't gotten any better.

Food Cravings: Anything COLD.... ice cream and frappes especially!

Food Aversions: Still not diggin' mushrooms these days.

Excited: .......aaaaaannnnd we bought a mini-van! Yep- a 2013 Chrysler Town & Country to be exact. Buh-bye Grand Jeep Cherokee (and my hip image)... hello soccer mom! I kid... but... actually, I'm really loving my new ride. It's so practical and has all the bells and whistles- leather interior, drop down DVD player, Stow n' Go storage. I got it on Friday and on Saturday we took it on a lengthy trip and it was great. Sofia seemed very comfortable. Adam calls it "our mobile living room"... and he's kind of right. It will definitely fit our needs for a growing family of five.

We went to the Yarmouth Clam Festival on Wednesday night with my two cousins, Anne and Jim, and their families. It was "bracelet night".... so you pay $20.00 for a bracelet and the kids can go on as many rides as they want. Adam and Sofia both purchased the bracelets and I very contently watched them go on all sorts of rides. Suffice to say, Sofia slept very well that night... as did Adam.

Yesterday we drove to Chester, NH to attend the housewarming of my very dear friend, Meghan (Connolly) Fredette. What a beautiful house she and Charlie have purchased- my favorite items being the central air (of course the pregnant lady would say that) and the humongous walk-in closet off their master bedroom. It's seriously a huge room with tons of shelving space and the ironic part is that Meg and Charlie could care less about clothes! It's almost not even right that they have a closet that big! Can you tell I'm jealous? They had a blow-up kiddie pool for the kids (which Sofia loved), a Slip n' Slide, sidewalk chalk, bubbles.... they thought of everything. We had a great time. Meg and Charlie are as OCD as me (God love them for it) and their house was pristine, organized, and clutter free.... how does the saying go.... "cleanliness is next to Godliness"...  

Other news: My 28 week Dr's appointment is this Friday- I'll get to spy on the babies some more and find out what positions they are in as well as get a weight check on them. Starting this week I'll be going to the Dr's every two weeks, until I hit 32 weeks, and then I'll be going twice weekly until delivery day! Basically, I will be living at the doctor's office. As long as there's central air... I wont complain. This heat is redonkulous... (that's my new word of choice.)

Some photos from the week...

My new ride- big pimpin' !

Interior shot
Yarmouth Clam Festival
Chalmers Cousins: Brady, Maddie, and Sofia

Jim, Brady, Maddie, Sofia, Anne, and Cora
My girl sure does love a good carousel!
I believe she was petting her horsey in this photo- naturally.

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