Sunday, May 5, 2013

16 weeks.

16 weeks, 4 days

How far along: 16 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Avocados 

Weight Gain: So I was a tad off, doctor weighed me in at 12 lbs total gained so far (I liked my calculation better).

Symptoms: Nothing new... in fact, I'm feeling pretty darn good these days! Thought I felt my first "flutter" of movement, but not quite positive (it's amazing how quickly you forget what it's supposed to feel like).

Maternity Clothes: Oh how I love thee... for the most part....but what I don't love, is having to constantly pull my jeans up... that problem will most likely go away once my bump gets even bigger. My mom is letting me borrow some of her really cute non-maternity tops that I can totally get away with right now- and I kinda love the fact that they are not maternity. 

Exercise: Been getting some good walking in- especially this past weekend- I clocked in 6 miles between Sat and Sun. I finally fixed my pedometer and took it with me on my walk today, however, Adam almost had to call out the search party to look for me because my pedometer was not calibrated correctly and I ended up walking way farther than the pedometer indicated. I also walked in Pondicherry Park in Bridgton on my lunch break this past week which was really nice- yay for my first lunch time walk!

Sleep: Was so exhausted yesterday, only because we were up with Sofia since 6:30 am on Sat morning.. I don't know what I was thinking to start an On Demand Movie at 8:30 pm (Silver Lining's Playbook)... about 10 minutes in to the movie, and I was fast asleep (and I really wanted to see that movie too!) Then, last night, Sofia had a nightmare and was up for a bit in the late night hours (brought back the days when she was a newborn and we didn't get much sleep- Adam said, "we better get used to it!") She ended up sleeping with me in bed and poor Adam had to sleep on the futon. A queen size bed just doesn't fit 3 people comfortably. 

Food Cravings: I'm still on a bit of a burger kick (turkey or beef). My mom made some yummy guacamole tonight and I could have very easily polished off the entire bowl.

Food Aversions: Can't really think of anything....

Excited: My insurance speech is over and done with and won rave reviews (Hooray! What a relief!) I practiced a lot last Sunday night, and even rehearsed it in front of Adam, and he gave me some really good constructive criticism which I took to heart. If you're interested in watching it, click on the following link and you'll be redirected to You Tube. I have to warn you, the speech is 12 minutes long, so feel free to skimm...

I had my 16 week doctor appointment and ultrasound this past Tuesday and Twin A was not cooperating (i.e., the umbilical cord was between the legs blocking the view). SO... we still don't know the gender of Twin A. Twin B, however, is definitely a boy... and was proudly showing off his goods. I now have to wait until the 20 week ultrasound to confirm the gender of Twin A.... major bummer. Sofia and my mother-in-law, Paula, came for the last 5 minutes or so of the ultrasound appointment and Sofia was a bit weirded out by the whole thing. I forgot how dark the room gets and it must have looked strange to her to see mommy lying down with my belly exposed as she kept saying, "I don't want them to do that to my belly!" I got tested for neural tube disorders, (i.e., Spina Bifida,) and the test came back negative so that's good news. Overall, my Dr is really pleased with how everything is progressing- I'm measuring at 19 weeks, even though I'm only 16 weeks... no big shocker there! 

Also, a work colleague, Jodi (who loves photography), said she'd start snapping some weekly bump photos of me, so this photo was taken this past Friday, outside of my office... thanks Jodi!

16 weeks, 2 days
Photo taken by: Jodi 
I've gone Social:   I officially announced my pregnancy on Facebook and Twitter and so far I've gotten 173 "likes" and 63 comments... it's been fun reading the posts. Here's how we announced on FB....I changed my profile pic to the following pic....

Our Facebook Announcement!

Cinco De Mayo: Also known as, my dad's birthday, was today! Happy 63rd Birthday to my "hero".. my dad. We had a very nice birthday celebration for him tonight in Bridgton- I even got to visit with my best friend from childhood, Sony, who stayed for dinner (as she's back in Maine for two weeks- she now resides in Colorado). Here are some photos from tonight's birthday celebration...

Sofia helps Papa blow out the candles

Ice Cream Cake = YUM = could she be any happier?

Family Photo Op (minus Umptoo Marney)

Sony & Me (Childhood BFFs)
Well- that's it for now! Nighty night!

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