Sunday, May 12, 2013

17 weeks.

17 weeks, 4 days
Happy Mother's Day!

How far along: 17 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Onions

Baby Development: Baby's ears are fully formed and its sense of hearing is developing. Eyebrows are growing. His/her umbilical cord is getting longer, thicker and stronger. Baby is also beginning to form fat tissue in preparation for someday having those adorable roly poly baby thighs!

Weight Gain: 13 lbs total gained

Symptoms: A few new complaints this past week- 1.) Carpal tunnel in my right hand wrist... come to think of it, I did experience this when pregnant with Sofia, but it seems to be bothering me more this time around- all that mouse clicking at work isn't helping. 2.) Nasal congestion- only when I'm sleeping- or laying down- I guess it's pretty common as increased pregnancy blood flow causes swelling in the tiny blood vessels in the lining of the nose resulting in congestion. Poor Adam is more like it- he gets to hear me snore now that I am pretty much forced to sleep with my mouth open- ugh- I hate that!

Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing my mom's shirt in the above photo- non-maternity, but pretty cute with a bump- don't ya think?

Exercise: I didn't get as much walking in over the weekend as I would've liked- due to inclement weather. I did walk 2 miles today with Zealand and this Thursday is the "Walk for Wishes" to support the Maine Make-A-Wish Foundation so I'll be clocking in another 4 miles.

Sleep: Not sleeping great due to the nasal congestion- and I tend to toss and turn a bit. One day this past week Adam said to me in the morning, "man, you were struggling last night..." and I was like, "really? what did I do?".. he said, "yeah- you were tossing and turning and then you let out a gigantic belch and rolled back over." My face got red and I was embarrassed for a split second and then thought to myself... wait, a minute... I'm pregnant with twins here... cut me a little slack! :-) Sheeesh!

Food Cravings: Molasses cookies- but only made by Sue Cole. My childhood BFF, Sony Cole, came over on Friday night for dinner and asked what she could bring and I jokingly said, "your mother's molasses cookies but ONLY if they are already made and in her cookie jar," (which she usually keeps well stocked at all times- I didn't want them to go out of their way to make any for me.) Sony shows up at my house with a tin full of freshly baked molasses cookies and says, "yeah- my mother and I said that there's no denying a pregnant lady with twins, so enjoy!" Gotta love BFFs!

Food Aversions: Apparently anything healthy... kidding...

Excited: One of the babies had the hiccups this past week! It happened at night when I was relaxing on the couch and it suddenly felt like my heart was beating in my belly... then I realized that it was the hiccups! Ahhh- how I missed that feeling. As far as other movement- I think I've experienced some "flutters," but it's been a few years since I've been pregnant, so I'm not quite certain if it's the babies or just stomach rumbles.... but I'm thinking that since there's two of them in there, it's probably the babies!

17 weeks, 2 days
Photo taken by Jodi at work

Chalmers Expansion: Jim and Katie had their baby girl early this morning at 1:15 am, Britta Louise Abbott Chalmers entered the world a month ahead of schedule but weighed in at a healthy 6 lbs 6 oz and 18 inches. Congrats Jim, Katie and Family... it's going to be one crazy Chalmers Christmas Eve party this year with Baby Britta and the twins as new additions!

Britta Louise Abbott Chalmers
5/12/13 at 1:15 AM
6 lbs 6 oz, 18 inches
Happy Mother's Day! To all the mothers reading this blog, I hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day and that you were spoiled and pampered. I had a great day- Adam and Sofia took me out to breakfast and then Adam bought be some hanging flowering pots for our front door, a Cutter visit with Michael & Paula and Aaron, Nina and Elise, and then off to Bridgton for dinner to continue the celebration with my mommy dearest. Love you mom- I'm so lucky to have you as my mother!

My mother's day gift: two new hanging plants
Let's see how long they last before I kill them this year.
Sadly, they will never look as good as they do right now!

1 comment:

  1. Your belching story made me literally laugh out loud. You're lookin' good Dottie!
