Sunday, August 4, 2013

29 weeks... and a baby shower


29 weeks, 4 days
My belly looks so big, my legs look so small!
How far along: 29 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Butternut Squash

Baby Update: Muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, the head is growing bigger to make room for the developing brain. Lets hope these brains are smart... smart enough to earn college scholarships!

Weight Gain: 36 lbs total

Symptoms: Lower back pain, leg cramps, and fatigue- and I can't stop nesting.

Movement: Man-oh-man... these babies are throwing some good kicks and jabs- I feel like my belly is going to pop- and I still have 7-8 more weeks to go. I heard through the grapevine that my Uncle Bruce said that "it looks like I'm carrying quadruplets".... not appreciating that comment!

Exercise: Does nesting count? I don't think I've sat down all day.... until now.

Sleep: Still getting up to pee 2-3 times a night- but luckily, I fall right back to sleep. I'm grateful that we purchased a Tempur-Pedic mattress last year because it definitely seems to be helping me.

Food Cravings: Chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting (and I'll explain why later)....

Excited: Lots to be grateful for this week....

First and foremost, my dad was discharged from the hospital last Thursday- after only 9 days! (He was told by doctors to expect a 2-3 week hospital stay, so a 9 day stay is quite impressive). He's doing great and making such incredible progress each day. He and my mom have rented an apartment close to Mass General, as my dad has multiple doctor's visits still, but they are hoping to be back in Maine by early to mid-September... just in time for the twins' arrival. Hurray!

Have you ever seen a more handsome double lung transplant recipient before??
This photo will surely go down in history....

Discharge Day!
August 1, 2013

Second of all... on Monday I received the 'Maine Young Agent of the Year' Award.... a prestigious award recognized to a Maine Young Agent who has made an impact in the insurance industry at a young age. I was truly humbled to receive the award. This award is usually given out at the Young Agents Annual Convention in October, but due to my impending "due date," the Maine Insurance Agents Association pushed up the time frame so that I could receive the award in person.

Myself with Mike Marquis, of Swett and Crawford, who presents the award annually

Last but not least.... my baby shower was on Saturday! I must say, my sister, Marney, is the best sister a girl could ask for... she hosted the shower all by herself (sans my mother- who's in Boston with my dad) and did an incredible job. I know that a TON of work went into it and it was truly amazing. Every last detail was well thought out and executed. Thank you Marney, from the bottom of my heart, I love you! Also thank you to my family and friends who helped pitch in (Meghan, Laurie, Beth, Annie, Janet, and Mary). The support of family and friends has been amazing these past two weeks through my dad's operation and recovery period. I know my mom felt bad for not being at my shower, but her heart was there, and she got to see a lot of photos so I think she felt as though she were there... dad too!

Here are some photos from my shower...

The decorations....

The living room- loving the clothesline of onesies!
The adorable cakes- which follow the twins' nursery theme perfectly- owls and elephants
Marney secretly had Adam snap photos of the nursery for the cake decorator to use as inspiration
P.S. The elephant cake is chocolate with peanut butter frosting = To Die For... hence my new "craving"
Sofia's special "Big Sister" cupcake
The delicious buffet spread
The best hostess and sister in the world...

The guests...

Marney, me, and Cousin Anne

Cutest girls ever: L-R: Cora, Sofia, Molly, & Maddie

Me and my sister-in-law, Nina
Meghan, Annie, and me
Sue, Molly, Cora, and Laurie
Sara & her little Leona
Paula ("Nanee") & Grandaughter Elise

Aaron, Nina, & Elise

Cousins- Ainsley and Sofia

 Gift opening: What a "shower" of goodies it was...feeling very fortunate...

Cutter Family of Three... soon to be Five!
With a smiling Sofia to boot!
Someone got her balloon caught in the fan! Oops!

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