Sunday, August 18, 2013

31 weeks and Happy 3rd Birthday Sofia!

31 weeks, 4 days
How far along: 31 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Coconuts

Baby Update: Babies are heading into a growth spurt. They can turn their heads from side to side, and their arms, legs, and bodies are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath their skin.

Weight Gain: 39 lbs gained in total

Symptoms: Starting to feel more uncomfortable as I hit the final stretch of pregnancy- incredible pressure on my bladder so I feel the need to pee about every three steps I take.  Still experiencing Braxton Hicks Contractions and some swelling in the feet.

Movement: Still feeling lots of movement. The other night I think what was a baby elbow totally punched out my belly button- it was the strangest sensation.

Exercise: Frequent walks through the neighborhood and this weekend I ran around like crazy preparing for Sofia's birthday party (which was on Saturday).... I'm surprised I didn't go into labor with all the running around I did. Needless to say, I need to start slowing down.

Sleep: Having a harder time sleeping and getting comfortable these days. Wouldn't you know that out of all the days to look forward to "sleeping in", Sunday, all of the smoke detectors in our house decided to go off at 6:30 AM! There was no fire- just a low battery situation in one of the alarms which somehow set them all off.... woke up my whole house and scared the crap out of my dog who jumped into bed with us.

Food Cravings: Chocolate Chip Frappes from McDonalds are the bomb!

Update on my dad: He's quite the picture of health these days- down to an astounding new low of 203 lbs. His staples (all 59 of them) were removed on Thursday. He's building up his strength and is able to go on longer walks each day with my mom. If all continues to go this well, Adam and I will be bringing them home over Labor Day Weekend!

Mr. Slim n' Trim!

Excited: Well- this coming week marks the start of my twice weekly ultrasounds and doctors appointments.... I'll basically be going every Tuesday and Friday until I deliver. Also, my little Sofia turns 3 on Wednesday August 21st! Where did 3 years go??!

A weekend of Birthday parties! 

 This was quite the busy weekend- it started on Friday night with the Bridgton Folk Festival- which my brother was largely responsible for planning and organizing. Adam, Sofia, and I attended to show our support. It was a great event- good turnout, local musicians performed, and delicious food... all free to the public.

On Saturday we were up and at 'em early preparing for Sofia's birthday party which was at 2 pm. We had to buy groceries and set up and it took us from 8 am to 2 pm to get everything ready (thank goodness for help from some friends and family). The party was a total success. It was a beautiful sunny day. We had water activities- blow up pool and slip n' slide, a bouncy house, and a piñata.... what fun. It was a princess birthday theme, for my little Princess Sofia. I thought to myself that this year, due to my hugely pregnant state, that I would do a small scale party with just family and friends, snacks, and cake and ice cream. I apparently don't know how to do anything small scale- because even though my intentions were good... we still had 15 kids and their parents. It was a fun time though. Sadly my parents couldn't be there but they kept checking in throughout the day with phone calls and I sent them many photos and video clips. I know they felt bad for not being able to be there in person- but they'll be home Labor Day Weekend!

Today we attended Sofia's friend, Adelaide's 3rd Birthday party (the girls are only 3 days apart.) This was a fairy-themed birthday party with a treasure hunt. It's safe to say that we are officially partied-out!

Here are some photos from Sofia's Birthday Party Extravaganza...

Princess Sofia Cake-
What... doesn't every little girl have their own Disney princess named after them?!

PB & Chocolate Whoopee Pies served as party favors
and of course, everyone had to sign Sofia's Birthday Scrapbook
Snacks and Drinks
Cousins Cora and Maddie

Cousin Ainsley with Sofia

Adorable Cousin Lillie

Let there be cake!

Happy campers

Neighbors Landon and Cole (the "tough guys")

Anne, Jim, and Katie

Little Cousin Britta

Lining up behind the birthday girl to take a swing at that piñata!

Sofia up to bat first = Swing and a miss!

It was Maddie who broke the piñata and there was a mad-dash for candy!

Lyndsay and Lucy
Fun in the pool with Adelaide

GP and Nanee with granddaughter Elise
Annie and Lillie
Cora jumping in the bounce house

Happy Birthday (on the 21st) to my little Princess Sofia! You bring so much joy into my life. I love you so much!

My little princess
The cutest fairy I've seen!

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