Sunday, August 11, 2013

30 weeks.

30 weeks, 4 days
How far along: 30 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Cabbages

Baby Update: Babies are about 16 inches long now and weigh about 3 lbs (mine way more than that- more on that later). Eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after birth, the babies will keep their eyes closed for a good part of the day. (Let's hope they nap too!)

What 30-weeks gestation looks like

Weight Gain: 37 lbs total.

Symptoms: Fatigue, swelling of the feet, Braxton Hicks contractions, frequent potty breaks!

Movement: My belly contorts all the time- you can just stare at it and see it move. Today, Marney had her hand on my belly for awhile and couldn't believe all the activity- she said they were aliens!

Exercise: I've been better about going for nightly walks in the neighborhood with Adam and Sofia- however, not sure how much of a work out it is, as we tend to stop at every neighbor's house along the way and have impromptu play-dates. Gotta love friendly neighbors!

Sleep: I'm hating sleeping on my left and right sides- but I'm afraid those are the only options I have these days. The bathroom breaks are a nuisance (at least 2-3 a night).... but it comes with the territory!

Food Cravings: Blueberry cake- so I made my Nanny Velma's recipe the other day and it was delish!

Excited: My 30-week ultra sound and check up were this week and babies are doing great. Baby Girl now weighs 3 lbs 11 oz and Baby Boy weighs 3 lbs 7 oz. I was able to view the babies in 3-D for a little bit- you could make out big beautiful lips on Little Miss and she even did a big yawn, which I got to see in 3-D as well- it was pretty cool! Baby Girl is now head-down but Baby Boy is still horizontal and seems quite comfy that way. I got a decent look at him as well and I think he looks more like me- Little Girl, however, I think looks like her daddy. Dr. Worster said that in another four weeks, she'll have a good idea as to how I will deliver... and she thinks a scheduled C-Section is in my future due to Baby Boy's transverse presentation. Want I want to avoid is having Baby Girl vaginally and then having an emergency C-Section for Baby Boy. Dr. Worster is afraid that if she tries to turn him in the delivery room, to get him to come down vaginally, that he'll end up coming down feet-first, which is obviously what we don't want happening. I go again at 32-weeks... and that marks the start of my twice weekly ultra sounds and doctor appointments up until delivery day.

Boston Strong! On Saturday I headed down to Boston for an overnight to visit my parents. Sadly, Sofia can't be around my dad for at least three months, and we couldn't find a sitter, so Adam stayed home with her so I could go (what a nice husband I have.) Marney was also there for a Bachelorette party so I got to see her again as well. I am very pleased to report that my dad is making great progress and I can't believe how much weight he's lost! He's so slim and trim. When he weighed in for his operation he weighed 231 lbs and now he's down to 207 lbs... that's insane for someone formerly nicknamed "the bear." His 59 staples will get removed this Thursday. He has multiple X-rays and physical therapy appointments each week and the doctors are still adjusting his medications to find the winning combination. He's in great spirits though and my mom is taking excellent care of him. I brought them down some DVDs and Backgammon to help keep them entertained as the days are long. All-in-all, it was a great visit and I'm SO pleased with his progress! Thank you GOD!  

Mr. Slim-and-Trim!
Dad and his daughters- my belly is now bigger than his!
Nurse Mom helping dad with his meds- they have it down to a science now
"My three girls!"- Dad said while snapping this pic



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