Sunday, August 25, 2013

32 weeks.

32 weeks, 4 days...
Look who made it into the photo this week!

How far along: 32 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Two large jicamas

Baby Update: Babies are taking up a lot of space in my uterus (ya think?!). They are gaining about 1/2 pound per week at this point. They have toenails, fingernails, and real hair. Their skin is becoming soft and smooth as they plump up in preparation for birth.

Fraternal twins at 32 weeks gestation

Weight Gain: +1 lb this week (total of 40 lbs gained)

Symptoms: I'm starting to really slow down these days- very tired off and on throughout the day. I've started to retain fluid in my knuckles so my hands have been feeling very arthritic (all normal symptoms). My feet are a little swollen as well. Bathroom breaks about every three steps I take... so annoying!

Movement: Constant movement- you'd think they are getting too big to move now, but I feel them all the time- I'm so used to it now. My Uncle Bruce actually saw my belly moving while at work- which I'm pretty sure freaked him right out!

Exercise: A lot of walking this week- but my movement is pretty slow- I doubt I even burn any calories.

Sleep: The bathroom breaks are a major downer... since I have to pee about 3-5 times a night. I'm still able to go right back to sleep each time (thank God)... but it's just such an interruption to have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom....again, and again, and again.

Food Cravings: Still craving the McDonald's Chocolate Chip Frappe.... I think I get one a week... is that bad?!

OB Update: Well- this week marked the start of my twice weekly ultrasounds and doctors appointments. Unfortunately, my doctor was on vacation this week, so I had to see other physicians. One of them was a male, and I swear that was the reason for my slightly elevated blood pressure on Tuesday. I had a female at my Friday's appointment and my blood pressure was fine. Babies are doing great- Baby Boy has taken the lead in terms of weight, he's measuring approximately 4 lbs 9 oz and Baby Girl is right behind him at 4 lbs 8 oz. Baby Boy has quite the head of hair on him! 

One recent development is that Baby Girl is now breech again- since two weeks ago, she did a huge flip from head down on my left side, to head up on my right side. She's since pushed Baby Boy a tad diagonal to my left side (he's basically straddling his sister's head- looks like he's sitting on her head in fact.) If I go into labor now, it's definitely a C-Section. They also started checking me for dilation and I haven't started dilating yet (which is good). No signs of early labor at this point. I am measuring as if I'm 40 weeks though... man... I'm going to be HUGE!

Sofia officially turned 3!

This past Wednesday (Aug 21st) was Sofia's actual birthday. We had a nice dinner celebration with Sofia, Adam and I. She was very excited to open presents and we were able to Facetime with Sitto and Papa so they got to see her opening presents. She got a dollhouse, dollhouse furniture, and a family for the house from Adam and I... she was very excited as that's what she's been wanting for quite some time. The dollhouse came in a million little pieces and poor Adam had to put that together! The end result was worth it though and we have a very happy little 3 year old.

A million little pieces...

Exterior Front of Dollhouse

Interior of Dollhouse

One happy little camper!

Oh what a weekend!

It started on Friday night with a maternity/family photo shoot session at Pineland Farms. A friend of mine, Amanda Whitegiver, who's starting her own photography business, took the photos to help build her portfolio- I'm excited to see how they turn out. I'm posting one family photo below as a teaser.

Yesterday, we took Sofia to a Sibling Class at MMC from 10-12pm. There were four couples there with their firstborns (all around Sofia's age). The instructor taught the kids how to diaper a baby doll, how to swaddle, etc. She read a book about bringing home baby and showed some kid-friendly short videos as well. We also got to tour MMC's Birthing Suite, Triage Room, and Infant Nursery (brought back memories!) It was a good use of our time and Sofia seemed to enjoy herself and I think she got something out of it.

 Afterwards, off to Funtown/Splashtown we went! We wanted to do a last hurrah 'Fun Day' with Sofia so we went big! I paid for it later... an 8-month pregnant woman with twins shouldn't be pushing strollers around an amusement park in the heat- I was totally exhausted. We did a little bit of the Spashtown park to start (but the water was freezing cold and therefore not enjoyable). We continued on to the Funtown park and Sofia was only excited about a few rides. Afterwards, I asked her what her favorite part was and she said the Sibling Class.... just goes to show you that sometimes less is more! Adam laughed and said we should've just taken her to the carousel at the mall... she would've had the same amount of fun for a fraction of the price.

Happy Baptism Day to Lillie Fleming!

Today, Sunday, was my Cousin Anne's daughter, Lillie's Baptism. Lille is 15-months old and is such a gorgeous little girl with the most enviable curls that always look perfectly styled! She was an angel in church too and she got to wear the vintage Braithwaite/Chalmers christening gown- which is a tradition in our family for all the Chalmers children to wear on their baptism day (my dad even wore it when he was a baby). We went to the church service and then back to the Fleming's house for lunch. Sofia always has lots of fun with her cousins and they have a great house for entertaining kids.

The photo below was taken at Pineland Farms back in 2011 when Sofia was 13-months old. At my recent maternity/family photo shoot this past Friday, back at Pineland Farms, I wanted to re-create the same family photo...where does the time go???

Pineland Farms 2011 (Sofia age 13 months)
Pineland Farms 2013 (Sofia age 3)

At Funtown/Splashtown USA....

On the kiddie train
Spinning tea cups with daddy
The carousel... her favorite!
Lillie's Baptism...
Katie and Jim (godparents) with Anne & Keith (proud parents)
Lillie with the pastor

All in all... it was a great weekend... but this mama is exhausted! Have a great week!

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