Sunday, June 30, 2013

24 weeks.

24 weeks, 4 days
24 WEEKS = VIABILITY ! Hurrah!
How far along: 24 weeks, 4 days
Size of Babies: Ear of corn
Baby Update: Babies are almost a foot long and have gained 1/4 lb since last week. The brain is growing quickly now and taste buds are continuing to develop. Lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree." If the babies were born at this stage, they would survive, but with a lot of neo-natal care.
Weight Gain: +2 this week for a grand total of 30 lbs. Booooooo.... although, my doctor said that there's a good chance that my weight gain will start to slow down from here on out since I should get full faster with two growing babies pressing on my stomach. (I can only hope that's the case for me- but we'll see!)
Symptoms: Damn twitch... still happening! I've noticed (and Adam will agree) that I've been more irritable lately... the humidity (and my expanding waistline) aren't helping matters much.
Movement: Adam finally felt the babies move! They move constantly and it's visible to the eye- weird to see your stomach contort. The movements- especially Baby Girl's movements- almost tickle me because I feel her so low. Dr. Worster summed it best, "it feels like someone's reaching in your pockets digging for change...." Very true!
Exercise: Went on a mini-walk around Aaron & Nina's neighborhood last night- does that count? The 4 on the 4th Road Race is this Wednesday- wish me luck!
Sleep: So-so. I can't seem to turn my brain off.... I'm always thinking of things I need to do. The number of bathroom breaks I take in the middle of the night (on average) are increasing from 1 to 2 and rolling over is quite the obstacle.
Food Cravings: I made a BBQ chicken pizza on Naan bread the other night- delicious! I hope that doesn't turn into a new craving though.
Appointment Update: My 24-week appointment was on Thursday and I had the dreaded glucose test. I forgot how nasty drinking that orange soda is- I found out that it's 50 grams of sugar- I can find better ways of enjoying 50 grams of sugar.... Why can't they serve patients a piece of cheesecake?! Unfortunately, I missed the call from my nurse on Friday with the results of my glucose test- so I wont get those until tomorrow- fingers crossed that I passed and do not have gestational diabetes.
 I also had an ultrasound and got to see the babies- they are growing beautifully- Baby Boy is 1 lb 11 oz and Baby Girl is 1 lb 9 oz. Baby Girl is head down (closest to the cervix) and Baby Boy is basically transverse (horizontal) on top of her. If Baby Boy doesn't flip then most likely a C-Section will be in my future.... but there's still plenty of time for him to move.
I just have to say... I love my OB.... Dr. Worster, at Coastal Womens, is the best- so compassionate and wonderful. She also commented on my blue toenail polish- that she was "so jealous" of it... so she's hip on the latest trends (not like that's a prerequisite for choosing an OB or anything...but the girl's got style!)
Weekend Update: Been busy with the nursery- both cribs and changing table are assembled. The room is tight but functional. Selling my PBK crib and buying two new ones and a new changing table was the right decision because there's no way another PBK crib would've fit in this tiny space (see photos below!)
Today I attended one of my very good childhood friends, Jen (Downs) Mayberry's baby shower. She's pregnant (due in August) with her first and doesn't know the gender. Sofia came with me and bossed all the other kids around and didn't want to "share" her backpack full of toys.... oh gheesh... I need to work with her on her sharing skills pronto!
Some photos from this weekend....
The new changing table and wall decals
The matching cribs (thank you Target!)

Alternate view...
Now THAT'S what I call a diaper cake!
Sofia was SO jealous of this!
Two life long friends- and pregnant at the same time...
We had always hoped for that when we were little girls.
Sofia and some new friends- they only thing she'd share, however, were the Legos
(because they weren't hers)

Happy 4th of July to all! 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

23 weeks.

23 weeks, 4 days
How far along: 23 weeks, 4 days

Size of babies: Mangos

Baby Update: Babies weigh over a pound each and are more than 11 inches long. If I turn on some tunes and sway to the music- babies can feel me dance!

Weight Gain: +28 lbs total (0 weight gain this week)

Symptoms: No new symptoms this week- random, yet frequent, eyelid twitching, leg cramps (had to get out of bed at 4:30 AM last night to do some stretches, and fatigue. Went to bed at 9 pm one night this week and took a 2 hour nap yesterday because I was tired. I'm doing a better job listening to my body's signals.

Movement: Well, Adam still hasn't felt the babies move yet but my sister Marney did! They move all the time and it's such a cool feeling.... I love it- it really is a miracle.

Exercise: I've been a slacker this week- having a hard time figuring out when to fit it in- I think the 4 on the 4th Road Race is going to send me into labor! Let's hope not!

Sleep: I'm not a side sleeper but I've had to become one at this point and I don't know how anyone finds sleeping on your side comfortable... my left side goes numb after sleeping on it for so long- then I roll to the right side and same story. Ah well- overall, at least I'm getting some sleep so I really can't complain.

Food Cravings: I got to have my dad's famous pancakes this morning and I enjoyed them with fresh strawberries and whipped cream... SO good that I had two helpings... one for each twin. My sister also made me the best lox sandwich today for lunch (smoked salmon, bagel, cream cheese, tomato, salt and pepper, onion = heaven on earth).

Food Aversions: Can't really think of anything in particular.

Summer, Summer, Summer Time.... Time to sit back and unwind!

Summer has officially arrived and no better way to celebrate than by picking up my sister, Marney, at the airport and spending a fun-filled weekend with her in Bridgton. I hadn't seen her since February. Needless to say, she loved the bump! Sofia was SO excited to see her Umptoo and didn't let her out of her site! It melts my heart to see the love she has for her Umptoo! We spent some time down on the lake and just had a great Chalmers family weekend.

Excited: I have my 24-week ultrasound and doctor's appointment on Thursday and I'm excited to spy on the babies and see what they're up to. This pregnancy is flying by and that's exciting and scary to me at the same time.

We sold our Pottery Barn Kids crib and changing table- only took one day to sell. I sold it to an old high school friend of mine via Facebook and the funny part is, she's not even pregnant yet! She's apparently going to start trying soon and she loves PBK and recognizes a good deal when she sees one. Let's hope this purchase doesn't jinx her! I didn't waste any time as I've already purchased two new cribs and a changing table and it should be arriving this week. Yes, I recognize the fact that I am OCD, but I can't change that and I'm excited to see the nursery come together. Adam will have his work cut out for him as it will require a lot of assembling and I am useless in that department.

Last but not least... we picked names! Of course we are keeping the names a secret until they are born but what a relief to finally have agreement in the Cutter household! Hip, hip, hooray!  

Some pics from the week and weekend...

Two Bowdoin ladies... and Belle, of course.

Cousin lunch date at McDonald's
Brady and Sofia showcasing their Happy Meal toys!

Happiness is...

Mama and daughter cooling off....
Sofia and her Umptoo- making mud-pie soup! Want some?

At the lake!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

22 weeks.

22 weeks, 4 days
 Happy Father's Day!

How far along: 22 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Spaghetti Squash

Baby Update: At 11 inches and 1 pound in weight, baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. 
Weight Gain: +28 lbs total. No way I'm only going to gain 35 lbs- who's the doctor kidding?

Symptoms: My left eyelid keeps twitching sporadically throughout the day (still) and I'm also experiencing more fatigue.... I think my days of having super-mom energy are over. Naps are my friend, as are early bed times.

Movement: Yes- all the time and I feel baby boy kick just as much as baby girl now. You can feel the kicks to the touch (but Adam still hasn't been successful in feeling movement yet).

Exercise: Sad to say, I haven't gotten much walking in this week but I did sign up for the 4 on the 4th Road Race in Bridgton on July 4th... I'll be walking it, obviously, but that will be a great work-out with all those hills.

Sleep: Ode to Father's Day... I think I have officially become my father... in the sense that my bed time keeps getting earlier and I'm loving sneaking in a good nap! I actually fell asleep at 8:30 pm this week- a new record for me. Sleeping very soundly with my body pillow and can't seem to get enough sleep. Definitely feeling the fatigue in the afternoons.

Food Cravings: Still loving chicken salad sandwiches- especially with cranberries and walnuts mixed in. My mom has been spoiling me with wraps at lunch on days I'm working in Bridgton.

Food Aversions: Overly fizzy drinks- the carbonation has been bothering me.

Excited: Sofia had her closing school ceremony on Friday- she has officially completed 2 years at the Little Log Cabin Montessori School. Unfortunately, she wasn't in the best of moods for her graduation (as you'll see from the photos).

Weekend Highlights:

We celebrated my niece (Ainsley) and nephew (Max) 4th and 2nd Birthday on Saturday. Fun celebration... but boy does my little girl not want ANY fruit on a birthday cake!

Had a lunch play date with my childhood friend, Virginia Snodgrass-Rangel- great catching up with her and her husband, Louis, and adorable (and bi-lingual) son, Francis. Very impressive to see an almost-two year old fully comprehend two languages (English and Spanish).

I made my first-ever purchase off Craig's List today. Adam and I snatched up an Ikea toy storage furniture piece for our basement playroom "Rainy Room." In excellent condition- retails for $250 and I got it for $80 and it's only 1 year old. We bought it from a nice Yarmouth family, who knew my cousin Anne, and they have 7-year old boy/girl twins as well as a 5 year old boy... what a coincidence. They also gave Sofia a Melissa & Doug Barn with some animals- free of charge. Score! You know what they say, "one persons trash is another person's treasure".... but this is Yarmouth trash and there's a difference!
Our Craig's List Find!

Happy Father's Day... to all the husbands and father's of the wives who read my blog. A special shout-out to my husband, Adam, for being such an amazing father and husband... and to my father... my hero. I love you!

Some photos from our fun-filled and busy weekend....

Sofia's graduation 2013
Sofia receiving her certificate- reluctantly

Only family photo-op we could get
Proud Mama!

The graduate! (Thanks for the dress, Sitto!)
Lunch date with Virginia

Happy 4th Birthday, Ainsley!
Happy 2nd Birthday, Max!

Patiently awaiting some CAKE!

Nighty night!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

21 weeks.

15 weeks, 4 days
21 weeks, 4 days


How far along: 21 weeks, 4 days (a la, photo on top right). Just thought I'd show you a comparison bump photo since I was wearing the same shirt at 15 weeks.... you can see the difference that 6 weeks makes. I also look more tired and that's because I am!

Size of Babies: Carrots... not the best fruit comparison this week, I'll admit... I feel as though they are much bigger than carrots... but lengthwise, they are measuring about 10 1/2 inches long.

Baby Update: Babies are swallowing amniotic fluid now so they are getting a "taste" of whatever I eat. I hope they like lasagna... as I have a whole tray of it in the fridge!

Weight Gain: 25 lbs total. I'm happy to announce that I didn't gain any weight this week- yahoo.

Symptoms: I woke up in the middle of the night on Friday with another leg cramp and I actually had to get out of bed and do stretches to make it go away. Additionally, my left eyelid has been twitching constantly. I showed it to Nina today, who said it's not noticeable to others unless they are looking really close, but it sure does annoy me! The little bit of research that I did on the topic suggested that I get more sleep, as it often occurs in pregnancy when you are tired or stressed. I never experienced this symptom when pregnant with Sofia so this is a first.

Movement: Yes- lots of it. The kicks are strong enough that I think others can start to feel them to the touch. I placed Adam's hand on my belly a few times today when the babies were kicking, but of course, as soon as he put his hand there, they'd stop kicking... it's as though he has a calming way with them already. If baby girl (Twin A) is still positioned closest to the cervix, then I think I'm feeling her more than baby boy (Twin B)- I feel her feet really low- as though she is tap-dancing on my bladder and it kind of tickles at the same time. 

Exercise: We did some shopping this afternoon and I walked a lot but nothing officially logged. I did download a pedometer app for my iPhone and I need to start remembering to use it... every step helps get me closer to my mileage goal of 156 miles walked by October.

Sleep: Still getting up in the middle of the night to pee and still using my body pillow. Overall, I can't complain- it is what it is and at least I'm getting some sleep. I feel the babies a lot more when I'm lying down- especially when I'm lying down on my left side.

Food Cravings: Chicken Salad sandwiches and strawberries

Food Aversions: Soda

Excited: We are making progress on "Project Rainy Room" (our basement playroom). Adam's parents came over on Saturday and framed in the toy closet. We also had a contractor stop by to give us an estimate on sheet rocking. He's also going to give us an estimate on finishing off the ceiling. I'm starting to look at paint colors for the Rainy Room as well- the space is somewhat divided into two sections so I'm thinking of painting one of the spaces a pretty "cloud blue" and the other a light green. The reason for these colors is because I want wall colors that will compliment our flooring (rubber play mats in colors, pink, blue, gray, and green). Don't worry- I'll post photos once the project is nearing completion.

Additionally, this morning I was inspired to start on the nursery first thing this AM... so at 7 AM we started clearing furniture out of the guest room. We've decided to keep Sofia in the room she's in now (last minute decision) and make the guest room the nursery. So- the crib is now in the nursery as is the changing table and glider. Sofia's room looks so much bigger now. We arranged some of her furniture and we're in the market for a cute 5 x 7 rug for her room- so if you have any ideas, let me know. I wasn't impressed by the selection at Target and Home Goods. We also need to order another crib and because I'm slightly OCD, of course I want the same exact crib and I can't seem to find that same crib in the same color available at Pottery Barn Kids! Ahhhh! I'm going to have to call my sister and have her work her magic- she must have some connections there. Heck, she can probably call up the factory in India or Hong Kong and special order me one. (It helps to have a sister in the furniture biz for Pottery Barn/Williams Sonoma/West Elm.) 

Baby BrittaLouise Chalmers: We finally met Jim and Katie's little 4-week old baby girl, Britta, on Saturday! What a cutie pie! Sofia and Brady had a fun time playing together- Brady immediately ran up to Sofia, with a live worm in his hand, and proudly showed Sofia, to which she replied, "Brady- I don't like worms... I like dolls and princesses!" Hahahaha... that's my girl!

Alright- well, because my left eye wont stop twitching right now, I'm guessing this little lady needs some sleep... signing off... nighty night. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

20 weeks and Twin A is a....

20 weeks, 4 days- baby got bump (and swollen feet)
Twin A is a GIRL!

How far along: 20 weeks, 4 days

Size of babies: Bananas (length wise not width). My little bananas are weighing in at approximately 12 oz and 13 oz, respectively (more on that later).

Baby Update: Babies are around 6 1/2 inches long from head to tush and 10 inches long from head to heel. Babies are swallowing more these days which is good practice for their digestive systems.

Here's a more accurate look inside the womb at 20 weeks- mind you, I have TWO in there

Weight Gain: Ugh...dare I say +25 lbs total.... wish I was kidding. I gained 10 lbs this month alone! I was hoping to only gain 35 lbs total, but with +/- 18 weeks to go... I will surely surpass that unless my weight gain starts to slow down (doubtful). My doctor really wasn't worried about it though- she said I'm looking great- I carry it well- and she's happy with how everything is progressing so that made me feel better. (I blame the trip to Santa Barbara and all that yummy fresh SoCal food!)

Symptoms: Holy heat-wave! My feet have swollen as a result of this ridiculous 90 degree weather and the humidity that comes along with it. Needless to say, Adam has installed both of our air conditioners as well as window fans. How am I ever going to survive the summer? Feeling lots and lots of kicks- but so far, only I can feel them internally.

Exercise: A ton of walking over the weekend while celebrating my Bowdoin College 10 year reunion- but none of it officially tracked- if I had to guess, I'd guess 4 miles total.

Sleep: Well- I've held out for as long as possible but I now have to get up in the middle of the night (once if not twice) to pee. I'm also using the body pillow again- I go through phases of loving it/hating it but it's been helping lately. I think I'll sleep well tonight after this weekend's festivities.

Food Cravings: My dear mother bought me an entire pineapple after reading last week's post (she thought it was funny as she too apparently craved pineapple during one of her pregnancies). Mom- the pineapple is gone already... but I had some help eating it (I didn't eat the entire thing in one sitting like you did back in the day!) Sofia hates the smell of it though- and plugs her nose when I'm eating it.

Doctor Update: So- on Wednesday I had my 20-week anatomy scan at Maternal Fetal Medicine in Portland and my mom came with me. We met another pregnant-with-twins mama in the waiting room who is 36 weeks pregnant and whose belly had to have protruded three feet from her body, if looking at her profile. It was crazy and scared the crap out of me! Gotta love my forward mother who said to her, "you must be having twins!" It took the full 2 hours to do a complete anatomy scan on both babies. Right off, the gender of Twin A was revealed and there's no denying the fact that she's a girl! I think I surprised a lot of people because everyone was assuming boy/boy. I am excited though- Sofia really wanted a sister and now she gets one of each. Time for Adam and I to start thinking of some names now I suppose...

Both babies are healthy and growing perfectly. They were kicking up a storm. Baby Girl (Twin A) is closest to the cervix so most likely she will be born first. Size wise- they are pretty even-steven. Even though they are in separate sacs, you could see Baby Boy poking Baby Girl.... and so it starts already! I briefly met with the high-risk doctor afterwards and he said that I will deliver no later than 38 weeks but he didn't think I'd even make it that far. He said to get to 30 weeks and anything after 30 is considered  "gravy". Full term is considered 36 weeks so I'd like to make it to that mile marker. He also said there's a good chance I can deliver vaginally, but when I told my OB that at Thursday's visit, she said that a C-Section is still probably in my future... but we'll see, it all depends on how the babies are presenting. Another crazy thing- because I'm considered "high risk"- once I hit 32 weeks, I have to have twice weekly ultrasounds/doctor visits. I'm basically going to be living at my doctor's office.

"Raise Songs to Bowdoin, praise her fame" Well- my 10-year Bowdoin reunion was this past weekend- what a great time and the weather couldn't have been any better (well, except for less humidity!)  Libby flew in on Thursday night from Denver and Alli and Nate arrived from Boston on Friday. We attended our classes' welcome reception on Friday night- Adam and Sofia also came with and I think Sofia had the most fun of all as they had a kids room and babysitters provided free of charge! Score! Sofia had a ball and made a new friend to boot. We had to pry her away to go home and she kept saying, "I don't want to leave Bowdoin".... be still my heart! On Saturday we spent the entire day on campus- starting with Patrick Dempsey's Opening Remarks at Convocation in the morning and ending with a lobster bake for the class of 2003. It was a bit surreal to be back on campus amongst my classmates- if it weren't for kids and spouses, nothing would've seemed that different. Everyone's aging pretty well I must say. It was great to spend time with my good friends and I was re-reminded of how special a place Bowdoin is....

Here are some photos from the Bowdoin Reunion...

Libby, me, and Kristen posing with the Polar Bear
Alli, Jan, me, and Rachel
Sofia and her new friend, Maya, in the kids room
Class of 2003
(Notice Sofia's face in the front- yup, that's my girl)

Me, Libby, and Sofia outside the field house
Dan and Rachel- to be married end of  August
Former Jr/Sr roomies, me and Jan
Rachel, me, and Libby at the lobster bake
Libby, Corinne, Kristen, and me
 But wait, there's more...!

Becky & Dan's wedding was also this weekend- today, Sunday. Becky is Adam's cousin (Paula's brother's daughter) and she got married at her parent's house in Poland. It was a beautiful day and a nice family gathering.... but this pregnant mama is now exhausted from all the festivities of this weekend. BUT...before I go to bed....

Here are some photos from the wedding today....

Cousins, Sofia and Ainsley... two peas in a pod

My niece, Elise- age 8 months
Sofia just loves to give kisses to Elise...
and Elise just loves to eat Sofia's nose...
You'd swear these two were twins.... oh wait.... they are.
Just loved their matchy-matchy outfits- totally unplanned of course!
Gorgeous photo of Nina
Soon to be Big Sister

Nighty night... let's hope the AC works in my bedroom tonight!