Sunday, June 2, 2013

20 weeks and Twin A is a....

20 weeks, 4 days- baby got bump (and swollen feet)
Twin A is a GIRL!

How far along: 20 weeks, 4 days

Size of babies: Bananas (length wise not width). My little bananas are weighing in at approximately 12 oz and 13 oz, respectively (more on that later).

Baby Update: Babies are around 6 1/2 inches long from head to tush and 10 inches long from head to heel. Babies are swallowing more these days which is good practice for their digestive systems.

Here's a more accurate look inside the womb at 20 weeks- mind you, I have TWO in there

Weight Gain: Ugh...dare I say +25 lbs total.... wish I was kidding. I gained 10 lbs this month alone! I was hoping to only gain 35 lbs total, but with +/- 18 weeks to go... I will surely surpass that unless my weight gain starts to slow down (doubtful). My doctor really wasn't worried about it though- she said I'm looking great- I carry it well- and she's happy with how everything is progressing so that made me feel better. (I blame the trip to Santa Barbara and all that yummy fresh SoCal food!)

Symptoms: Holy heat-wave! My feet have swollen as a result of this ridiculous 90 degree weather and the humidity that comes along with it. Needless to say, Adam has installed both of our air conditioners as well as window fans. How am I ever going to survive the summer? Feeling lots and lots of kicks- but so far, only I can feel them internally.

Exercise: A ton of walking over the weekend while celebrating my Bowdoin College 10 year reunion- but none of it officially tracked- if I had to guess, I'd guess 4 miles total.

Sleep: Well- I've held out for as long as possible but I now have to get up in the middle of the night (once if not twice) to pee. I'm also using the body pillow again- I go through phases of loving it/hating it but it's been helping lately. I think I'll sleep well tonight after this weekend's festivities.

Food Cravings: My dear mother bought me an entire pineapple after reading last week's post (she thought it was funny as she too apparently craved pineapple during one of her pregnancies). Mom- the pineapple is gone already... but I had some help eating it (I didn't eat the entire thing in one sitting like you did back in the day!) Sofia hates the smell of it though- and plugs her nose when I'm eating it.

Doctor Update: So- on Wednesday I had my 20-week anatomy scan at Maternal Fetal Medicine in Portland and my mom came with me. We met another pregnant-with-twins mama in the waiting room who is 36 weeks pregnant and whose belly had to have protruded three feet from her body, if looking at her profile. It was crazy and scared the crap out of me! Gotta love my forward mother who said to her, "you must be having twins!" It took the full 2 hours to do a complete anatomy scan on both babies. Right off, the gender of Twin A was revealed and there's no denying the fact that she's a girl! I think I surprised a lot of people because everyone was assuming boy/boy. I am excited though- Sofia really wanted a sister and now she gets one of each. Time for Adam and I to start thinking of some names now I suppose...

Both babies are healthy and growing perfectly. They were kicking up a storm. Baby Girl (Twin A) is closest to the cervix so most likely she will be born first. Size wise- they are pretty even-steven. Even though they are in separate sacs, you could see Baby Boy poking Baby Girl.... and so it starts already! I briefly met with the high-risk doctor afterwards and he said that I will deliver no later than 38 weeks but he didn't think I'd even make it that far. He said to get to 30 weeks and anything after 30 is considered  "gravy". Full term is considered 36 weeks so I'd like to make it to that mile marker. He also said there's a good chance I can deliver vaginally, but when I told my OB that at Thursday's visit, she said that a C-Section is still probably in my future... but we'll see, it all depends on how the babies are presenting. Another crazy thing- because I'm considered "high risk"- once I hit 32 weeks, I have to have twice weekly ultrasounds/doctor visits. I'm basically going to be living at my doctor's office.

"Raise Songs to Bowdoin, praise her fame" Well- my 10-year Bowdoin reunion was this past weekend- what a great time and the weather couldn't have been any better (well, except for less humidity!)  Libby flew in on Thursday night from Denver and Alli and Nate arrived from Boston on Friday. We attended our classes' welcome reception on Friday night- Adam and Sofia also came with and I think Sofia had the most fun of all as they had a kids room and babysitters provided free of charge! Score! Sofia had a ball and made a new friend to boot. We had to pry her away to go home and she kept saying, "I don't want to leave Bowdoin".... be still my heart! On Saturday we spent the entire day on campus- starting with Patrick Dempsey's Opening Remarks at Convocation in the morning and ending with a lobster bake for the class of 2003. It was a bit surreal to be back on campus amongst my classmates- if it weren't for kids and spouses, nothing would've seemed that different. Everyone's aging pretty well I must say. It was great to spend time with my good friends and I was re-reminded of how special a place Bowdoin is....

Here are some photos from the Bowdoin Reunion...

Libby, me, and Kristen posing with the Polar Bear
Alli, Jan, me, and Rachel
Sofia and her new friend, Maya, in the kids room
Class of 2003
(Notice Sofia's face in the front- yup, that's my girl)

Me, Libby, and Sofia outside the field house
Dan and Rachel- to be married end of  August
Former Jr/Sr roomies, me and Jan
Rachel, me, and Libby at the lobster bake
Libby, Corinne, Kristen, and me
 But wait, there's more...!

Becky & Dan's wedding was also this weekend- today, Sunday. Becky is Adam's cousin (Paula's brother's daughter) and she got married at her parent's house in Poland. It was a beautiful day and a nice family gathering.... but this pregnant mama is now exhausted from all the festivities of this weekend. BUT...before I go to bed....

Here are some photos from the wedding today....

Cousins, Sofia and Ainsley... two peas in a pod

My niece, Elise- age 8 months
Sofia just loves to give kisses to Elise...
and Elise just loves to eat Sofia's nose...
You'd swear these two were twins.... oh wait.... they are.
Just loved their matchy-matchy outfits- totally unplanned of course!
Gorgeous photo of Nina
Soon to be Big Sister

Nighty night... let's hope the AC works in my bedroom tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love everything about this post. Girl/Boy Twins!...Bowdoin... Elise & Sofia's friendship... our adorable husbands... We have a lot to be thankful for! :)
