Sunday, June 16, 2013

22 weeks.

22 weeks, 4 days
 Happy Father's Day!

How far along: 22 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Spaghetti Squash

Baby Update: At 11 inches and 1 pound in weight, baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. 
Weight Gain: +28 lbs total. No way I'm only going to gain 35 lbs- who's the doctor kidding?

Symptoms: My left eyelid keeps twitching sporadically throughout the day (still) and I'm also experiencing more fatigue.... I think my days of having super-mom energy are over. Naps are my friend, as are early bed times.

Movement: Yes- all the time and I feel baby boy kick just as much as baby girl now. You can feel the kicks to the touch (but Adam still hasn't been successful in feeling movement yet).

Exercise: Sad to say, I haven't gotten much walking in this week but I did sign up for the 4 on the 4th Road Race in Bridgton on July 4th... I'll be walking it, obviously, but that will be a great work-out with all those hills.

Sleep: Ode to Father's Day... I think I have officially become my father... in the sense that my bed time keeps getting earlier and I'm loving sneaking in a good nap! I actually fell asleep at 8:30 pm this week- a new record for me. Sleeping very soundly with my body pillow and can't seem to get enough sleep. Definitely feeling the fatigue in the afternoons.

Food Cravings: Still loving chicken salad sandwiches- especially with cranberries and walnuts mixed in. My mom has been spoiling me with wraps at lunch on days I'm working in Bridgton.

Food Aversions: Overly fizzy drinks- the carbonation has been bothering me.

Excited: Sofia had her closing school ceremony on Friday- she has officially completed 2 years at the Little Log Cabin Montessori School. Unfortunately, she wasn't in the best of moods for her graduation (as you'll see from the photos).

Weekend Highlights:

We celebrated my niece (Ainsley) and nephew (Max) 4th and 2nd Birthday on Saturday. Fun celebration... but boy does my little girl not want ANY fruit on a birthday cake!

Had a lunch play date with my childhood friend, Virginia Snodgrass-Rangel- great catching up with her and her husband, Louis, and adorable (and bi-lingual) son, Francis. Very impressive to see an almost-two year old fully comprehend two languages (English and Spanish).

I made my first-ever purchase off Craig's List today. Adam and I snatched up an Ikea toy storage furniture piece for our basement playroom "Rainy Room." In excellent condition- retails for $250 and I got it for $80 and it's only 1 year old. We bought it from a nice Yarmouth family, who knew my cousin Anne, and they have 7-year old boy/girl twins as well as a 5 year old boy... what a coincidence. They also gave Sofia a Melissa & Doug Barn with some animals- free of charge. Score! You know what they say, "one persons trash is another person's treasure".... but this is Yarmouth trash and there's a difference!
Our Craig's List Find!

Happy Father's Day... to all the husbands and father's of the wives who read my blog. A special shout-out to my husband, Adam, for being such an amazing father and husband... and to my father... my hero. I love you!

Some photos from our fun-filled and busy weekend....

Sofia's graduation 2013
Sofia receiving her certificate- reluctantly

Only family photo-op we could get
Proud Mama!

The graduate! (Thanks for the dress, Sitto!)
Lunch date with Virginia

Happy 4th Birthday, Ainsley!
Happy 2nd Birthday, Max!

Patiently awaiting some CAKE!

Nighty night!

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