Sunday, June 9, 2013

21 weeks.

15 weeks, 4 days
21 weeks, 4 days


How far along: 21 weeks, 4 days (a la, photo on top right). Just thought I'd show you a comparison bump photo since I was wearing the same shirt at 15 weeks.... you can see the difference that 6 weeks makes. I also look more tired and that's because I am!

Size of Babies: Carrots... not the best fruit comparison this week, I'll admit... I feel as though they are much bigger than carrots... but lengthwise, they are measuring about 10 1/2 inches long.

Baby Update: Babies are swallowing amniotic fluid now so they are getting a "taste" of whatever I eat. I hope they like lasagna... as I have a whole tray of it in the fridge!

Weight Gain: 25 lbs total. I'm happy to announce that I didn't gain any weight this week- yahoo.

Symptoms: I woke up in the middle of the night on Friday with another leg cramp and I actually had to get out of bed and do stretches to make it go away. Additionally, my left eyelid has been twitching constantly. I showed it to Nina today, who said it's not noticeable to others unless they are looking really close, but it sure does annoy me! The little bit of research that I did on the topic suggested that I get more sleep, as it often occurs in pregnancy when you are tired or stressed. I never experienced this symptom when pregnant with Sofia so this is a first.

Movement: Yes- lots of it. The kicks are strong enough that I think others can start to feel them to the touch. I placed Adam's hand on my belly a few times today when the babies were kicking, but of course, as soon as he put his hand there, they'd stop kicking... it's as though he has a calming way with them already. If baby girl (Twin A) is still positioned closest to the cervix, then I think I'm feeling her more than baby boy (Twin B)- I feel her feet really low- as though she is tap-dancing on my bladder and it kind of tickles at the same time. 

Exercise: We did some shopping this afternoon and I walked a lot but nothing officially logged. I did download a pedometer app for my iPhone and I need to start remembering to use it... every step helps get me closer to my mileage goal of 156 miles walked by October.

Sleep: Still getting up in the middle of the night to pee and still using my body pillow. Overall, I can't complain- it is what it is and at least I'm getting some sleep. I feel the babies a lot more when I'm lying down- especially when I'm lying down on my left side.

Food Cravings: Chicken Salad sandwiches and strawberries

Food Aversions: Soda

Excited: We are making progress on "Project Rainy Room" (our basement playroom). Adam's parents came over on Saturday and framed in the toy closet. We also had a contractor stop by to give us an estimate on sheet rocking. He's also going to give us an estimate on finishing off the ceiling. I'm starting to look at paint colors for the Rainy Room as well- the space is somewhat divided into two sections so I'm thinking of painting one of the spaces a pretty "cloud blue" and the other a light green. The reason for these colors is because I want wall colors that will compliment our flooring (rubber play mats in colors, pink, blue, gray, and green). Don't worry- I'll post photos once the project is nearing completion.

Additionally, this morning I was inspired to start on the nursery first thing this AM... so at 7 AM we started clearing furniture out of the guest room. We've decided to keep Sofia in the room she's in now (last minute decision) and make the guest room the nursery. So- the crib is now in the nursery as is the changing table and glider. Sofia's room looks so much bigger now. We arranged some of her furniture and we're in the market for a cute 5 x 7 rug for her room- so if you have any ideas, let me know. I wasn't impressed by the selection at Target and Home Goods. We also need to order another crib and because I'm slightly OCD, of course I want the same exact crib and I can't seem to find that same crib in the same color available at Pottery Barn Kids! Ahhhh! I'm going to have to call my sister and have her work her magic- she must have some connections there. Heck, she can probably call up the factory in India or Hong Kong and special order me one. (It helps to have a sister in the furniture biz for Pottery Barn/Williams Sonoma/West Elm.) 

Baby BrittaLouise Chalmers: We finally met Jim and Katie's little 4-week old baby girl, Britta, on Saturday! What a cutie pie! Sofia and Brady had a fun time playing together- Brady immediately ran up to Sofia, with a live worm in his hand, and proudly showed Sofia, to which she replied, "Brady- I don't like worms... I like dolls and princesses!" Hahahaha... that's my girl!

Alright- well, because my left eye wont stop twitching right now, I'm guessing this little lady needs some sleep... signing off... nighty night. 

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