Sunday, June 23, 2013

23 weeks.

23 weeks, 4 days
How far along: 23 weeks, 4 days

Size of babies: Mangos

Baby Update: Babies weigh over a pound each and are more than 11 inches long. If I turn on some tunes and sway to the music- babies can feel me dance!

Weight Gain: +28 lbs total (0 weight gain this week)

Symptoms: No new symptoms this week- random, yet frequent, eyelid twitching, leg cramps (had to get out of bed at 4:30 AM last night to do some stretches, and fatigue. Went to bed at 9 pm one night this week and took a 2 hour nap yesterday because I was tired. I'm doing a better job listening to my body's signals.

Movement: Well, Adam still hasn't felt the babies move yet but my sister Marney did! They move all the time and it's such a cool feeling.... I love it- it really is a miracle.

Exercise: I've been a slacker this week- having a hard time figuring out when to fit it in- I think the 4 on the 4th Road Race is going to send me into labor! Let's hope not!

Sleep: I'm not a side sleeper but I've had to become one at this point and I don't know how anyone finds sleeping on your side comfortable... my left side goes numb after sleeping on it for so long- then I roll to the right side and same story. Ah well- overall, at least I'm getting some sleep so I really can't complain.

Food Cravings: I got to have my dad's famous pancakes this morning and I enjoyed them with fresh strawberries and whipped cream... SO good that I had two helpings... one for each twin. My sister also made me the best lox sandwich today for lunch (smoked salmon, bagel, cream cheese, tomato, salt and pepper, onion = heaven on earth).

Food Aversions: Can't really think of anything in particular.

Summer, Summer, Summer Time.... Time to sit back and unwind!

Summer has officially arrived and no better way to celebrate than by picking up my sister, Marney, at the airport and spending a fun-filled weekend with her in Bridgton. I hadn't seen her since February. Needless to say, she loved the bump! Sofia was SO excited to see her Umptoo and didn't let her out of her site! It melts my heart to see the love she has for her Umptoo! We spent some time down on the lake and just had a great Chalmers family weekend.

Excited: I have my 24-week ultrasound and doctor's appointment on Thursday and I'm excited to spy on the babies and see what they're up to. This pregnancy is flying by and that's exciting and scary to me at the same time.

We sold our Pottery Barn Kids crib and changing table- only took one day to sell. I sold it to an old high school friend of mine via Facebook and the funny part is, she's not even pregnant yet! She's apparently going to start trying soon and she loves PBK and recognizes a good deal when she sees one. Let's hope this purchase doesn't jinx her! I didn't waste any time as I've already purchased two new cribs and a changing table and it should be arriving this week. Yes, I recognize the fact that I am OCD, but I can't change that and I'm excited to see the nursery come together. Adam will have his work cut out for him as it will require a lot of assembling and I am useless in that department.

Last but not least... we picked names! Of course we are keeping the names a secret until they are born but what a relief to finally have agreement in the Cutter household! Hip, hip, hooray!  

Some pics from the week and weekend...

Two Bowdoin ladies... and Belle, of course.

Cousin lunch date at McDonald's
Brady and Sofia showcasing their Happy Meal toys!

Happiness is...

Mama and daughter cooling off....
Sofia and her Umptoo- making mud-pie soup! Want some?

At the lake!

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