Sunday, June 30, 2013

24 weeks.

24 weeks, 4 days
24 WEEKS = VIABILITY ! Hurrah!
How far along: 24 weeks, 4 days
Size of Babies: Ear of corn
Baby Update: Babies are almost a foot long and have gained 1/4 lb since last week. The brain is growing quickly now and taste buds are continuing to develop. Lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree." If the babies were born at this stage, they would survive, but with a lot of neo-natal care.
Weight Gain: +2 this week for a grand total of 30 lbs. Booooooo.... although, my doctor said that there's a good chance that my weight gain will start to slow down from here on out since I should get full faster with two growing babies pressing on my stomach. (I can only hope that's the case for me- but we'll see!)
Symptoms: Damn twitch... still happening! I've noticed (and Adam will agree) that I've been more irritable lately... the humidity (and my expanding waistline) aren't helping matters much.
Movement: Adam finally felt the babies move! They move constantly and it's visible to the eye- weird to see your stomach contort. The movements- especially Baby Girl's movements- almost tickle me because I feel her so low. Dr. Worster summed it best, "it feels like someone's reaching in your pockets digging for change...." Very true!
Exercise: Went on a mini-walk around Aaron & Nina's neighborhood last night- does that count? The 4 on the 4th Road Race is this Wednesday- wish me luck!
Sleep: So-so. I can't seem to turn my brain off.... I'm always thinking of things I need to do. The number of bathroom breaks I take in the middle of the night (on average) are increasing from 1 to 2 and rolling over is quite the obstacle.
Food Cravings: I made a BBQ chicken pizza on Naan bread the other night- delicious! I hope that doesn't turn into a new craving though.
Appointment Update: My 24-week appointment was on Thursday and I had the dreaded glucose test. I forgot how nasty drinking that orange soda is- I found out that it's 50 grams of sugar- I can find better ways of enjoying 50 grams of sugar.... Why can't they serve patients a piece of cheesecake?! Unfortunately, I missed the call from my nurse on Friday with the results of my glucose test- so I wont get those until tomorrow- fingers crossed that I passed and do not have gestational diabetes.
 I also had an ultrasound and got to see the babies- they are growing beautifully- Baby Boy is 1 lb 11 oz and Baby Girl is 1 lb 9 oz. Baby Girl is head down (closest to the cervix) and Baby Boy is basically transverse (horizontal) on top of her. If Baby Boy doesn't flip then most likely a C-Section will be in my future.... but there's still plenty of time for him to move.
I just have to say... I love my OB.... Dr. Worster, at Coastal Womens, is the best- so compassionate and wonderful. She also commented on my blue toenail polish- that she was "so jealous" of it... so she's hip on the latest trends (not like that's a prerequisite for choosing an OB or anything...but the girl's got style!)
Weekend Update: Been busy with the nursery- both cribs and changing table are assembled. The room is tight but functional. Selling my PBK crib and buying two new ones and a new changing table was the right decision because there's no way another PBK crib would've fit in this tiny space (see photos below!)
Today I attended one of my very good childhood friends, Jen (Downs) Mayberry's baby shower. She's pregnant (due in August) with her first and doesn't know the gender. Sofia came with me and bossed all the other kids around and didn't want to "share" her backpack full of toys.... oh gheesh... I need to work with her on her sharing skills pronto!
Some photos from this weekend....
The new changing table and wall decals
The matching cribs (thank you Target!)

Alternate view...
Now THAT'S what I call a diaper cake!
Sofia was SO jealous of this!
Two life long friends- and pregnant at the same time...
We had always hoped for that when we were little girls.
Sofia and some new friends- they only thing she'd share, however, were the Legos
(because they weren't hers)

Happy 4th of July to all! 

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