Sunday, September 1, 2013

33 weeks.

33 weeks, 4 days
How far along: 33 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Pineapples

Baby Update: Babies' bones are hardening and they are continuing to grow, grow, grow...        (I'll say!)

Weight Gain: 41 pounds total

Symptoms: Fluid retention in my knuckles and feet. My knuckles are bothering me more than my enlarged feet because they feel so arthritic, especially in the morning. Continuing to have Braxton Hicks Contractions and my belly button has really popped out... these turkeys are almost done.

Movement: Lots of movement still. One night this past week, when I was sleeping, I swear baby boy's butt was practically in my throat. His butt was so high up my torso that I felt like it was cutting off my air supply. I continue to feel major body parts and lots of activity seems to center around my belly button as that's where both babies' heads are located.

Exercise: Lots of nesting still happening- I pulled Sofia in her wagon today (but that's proving to be more difficult) and I did some spontaneous weeding of my garden this morning but the humidity was too unbearable to continue.

Sleep: I've started to keep an eye on the time, to track my bathroom break schedule, and it's like clockwork... every two hours all night long....ugh. It's proving to be more and more difficult to get back to sleep each time as well.

Food Cravings: Lobster rolls! Paying homage to my Maine routes!

OB Update: This week I went to the doctors on Tuesday and Thursday and Dr. Worster returned from her vacation so I was excited to be back under her care. My blood pressure has started to rise, which is a concern, so Dr. Worster said it's time for me to start cutting back from work. She wants me to keep my feet elevated for at least two hours a day. The babies are doing great and growing (although no weight check on them this week). Baby Girl is still breech and Baby Boy is still transverse- as a result of these positions, my C-Section has officially been scheduled for October 1st at 12pm. By then, I'll be 37 weeks and 6 days. I'm not positive that I'll make it that far, without going into labor on my own, but we'll see! If my blood pressure continues to rise, my doctor will probably push that date up or put me on permanent bed rest (boo). The goal is to cook these babies as long as possible and I'm in the final stretch, which is the most important stretch, at this point.

Project Rainy Room Update: Our basement project is nearing completion. The contractor is just about finished with his portion of the project. We made a lot of progress this past weekend and Adam, with help from his parents (thank you M & P!), painted the playroom, installed mop boards, did some trim work around the windows, installed a door, and installed some of the rubber mat flooring. There's still a little bit more to do before we can start moving the toys down there- but I'm very happy with the progress we've made so far and it's nice to see the project nearing completion. Yay!

The Nanny Diaries: I reached out to the Greater Portland Moms of Multiples Club that I joined a few months ago and asked if anyone had a Nanny referral and I got a great lead from one of the moms of multiples (who has triplet girls, age: 3 1/2). Her girls are starting preschool this Fall so she doesn't need her Nanny full time anymore. Adam and I interviewed the Nanny today and it went really well- she seems down to earth, flexible, kind, and most importantly, our child-rearing philosophies seem to align (a very important thing!) Her name is Jenn. Jenn has a two year old son, Darby, who does come to work with her- they are a package deal- but her references were so fabulous that Darby is not a deal-breaker for me. From what I've heard from her prior employer, Darby has been nothing but a bonus for her triplet girls and they treat him like a little brother. So- I've arranged for Darby to have a play date with Sofia next weekend so I can see how they interact. If Jenn is comfortable caring for triplet 3 year olds, along with her 2 year old, then I think she can handle my situation (of course she assured me that she can.)

Labor Day Fun: Despite the basement project work over the weekend, we managed to escape to the Cutter's Camp on Taylor Pond in Auburn tonight for dinner (lobster rolls of course) and a boat ride- it was a nice end to the summer and now I'm getting more and more anxious (and prepared) to meet these babies in about four more weeks. Paula said it's time for me to start packing my hospital bag.

Some photos from the week/weekend...

Project Rainy Room

Half wall on the left splits the room into two mini-play areas

Not quite finished- but we're getting there!
Alternate view- you can see the paint choices from this angle

Thank you Sitto for the pretty dress! Also- notice the drawings on the fridge...
Sofia made them for Sitto and Papa today!
Captain Sofia and GP
Daddy with his girls

Hope you all had a nice and relaxing Labor Day Weekend!

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