Sunday, September 8, 2013

34 weeks.

34 weeks, 4 days
How Far Along: 34 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Cantaloupes

Baby Update: Babies fat layers are filling out, making them rounder and their skin is also smoother than ever. Their central nervous system is maturing and their lungs are continuing to mature as well. Babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine and usually do as well as full-term babies (good to know!)

Weight Gain: +42 lbs total

Symptoms: Nothing new to report- my hands are still the most troublesome these days as my knuckles are still so very swollen and arthritic- you can actually hear them clicking when I bend them and during the night, they lock into place and it's very painful when I try to bend them. The trips to the bathroom are very frequent- especially during the night- but that's nothing new. My blood pressure is still elevated- but on Friday's OB visit (which was conveniently scheduled directly after an acupuncture visit) my BP went down from 132/92 to 128/84... hey... I'll take it. (I swear by acupuncture!!)

Movement: Yep- you would think that the movement starts to slow down as they run out of room, but I can still feel huge kicks, heads, butts, and elbows.

Exercise: Walked the neighborhood a couple of times with the fam and still nesting like crazy- that might put me into labor on its own!

Sleep: Heavily disrupted by bathroom breaks and it's getting increasingly more difficult to fall back asleep each time.

Food Cravings: Banana bread.... so I made some... still not as good as Paula's!

OB Update: This week I went to the doctors on Tuesday and Friday. Dr. Worster is most likely going to bump up my C-Section date to the week of Sept. 23rd- it will probably be on the 26th or 27th due to scheduling... stay tuned on that. The reason being- my BP and the fact that she knows I'm mighty uncomfortable and reaching my end point. Technically 37 weeks is considered full term for twins, so she's thinking that an Oct. 1st C-Section (at 38 weeks) was wishful thinking on her part. The ultrasound on Friday was a measurement check and Baby Girl is weighing in at 5 lbs 8 oz and Baby Boy is 5 lbs 12 oz! That's over 11 lbs of baby and I still have 3 more weeks to go! I think that's another reason why she's going to bump up my C-Section... she knows they are going to be big babies and lungs are fully mature at 37 weeks. She still wants me resting my feet for 1-2 hours a day and cutting back from work- I've been trying to abide- but I seem to have a hard time sitting still!

Excited: It's official, we hired a Nanny! We invited Jenn back to our home today for a second interview and this time we asked that she bring her 2-year old son, Darby, for a play date to meet Sofia (as Darby will be coming to work with her). Darby is adorable- very well mannered and seems to go with the flow. Sofia, on the other hand, was a little brat the whole visit... I was rather embarrassed by her behavior as she didn't want Darby playing with her toys and at one point she sat in the corner by herself and sulked (she's so dramatic- who does she get that from?!) I know "sharing" is a hard concept for a 3-year to grasp, but good Lord, she's got to learn sooner than later!

We offered Jenn the position and she's delighted to work for us. I'm probably going to have her start 2-3 days a week come mid-October, while I'm on maternity leave, and then come early Jan, she'll be four 10-hour days/week and I plan on working from home one day a week- until I can't handle that any more and ask Jenn to go 5 full days (which she can do whenever I'm ready.) So- we are very excited as seeing Jenn a second time only solidified our comfort level with her in our home.

Project Rainy Room Update: We made some more progress this week- or, should I say, my in-laws, Michael and Paula, made some good progress this week. They were at our house all day Thursday/Friday/and a good chunk of Saturday installing doors, mop boards, trim work, etc. They are incredible! We moved in a good portion of Sofia's toys and she seems to be enjoying her new space. We also bought a sectional/modular couch! It's due to arrive this Thursday. I'm excited to put things up on the walls- I've bought a few posters and decals but haven't hung them yet.

Nesting Update: Good Lord, the nesting is crazy. I pulled out all of the baby bouncers, play mats, car seats, etc. and washed everything- now I just need to put it all back together. Tomorrow we are having granite countertops installed in our kitchen as well as a new sink and faucet... have we totally lost our mind? That nesting project was more Adam's idea than mine, but I've always dreamed of having granite countertops, so why not?!

Here are some new photos of the Rainy Room...

The toys have infiltrated
Art Easel and Table
 (delighted to relocate these items to the basement!)
Trim work and shelf below the window- all done!

Floor in the "green" room now installed

The sectional couch we bought for the "green" room (thank you Bob's Discount!)

.... and now.... I think I'll go check on my husband who is doing some paint "touch ups" on the walls in the Rainy Room. Have a good week all!

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