Monday, September 23, 2013

36 weeks.... and a C-Section on Friday!

36 weeks, 4 days
....and a new haircut!

 How far along: 36 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Head of romaine lettuce

Baby Update: Babies are gaining about an ounce a day. They are shedding the downy hair that covered their bodies, as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protected their skin during their nine-month amniotic bath. As of this Wednesday, babies will be considered full-term!

Weight Gain: 47 lbs total gained (mostly all in my belly- don't ya think?) It looks like I have a basketball under my shirt (granted, a very large basketball).

Symptoms: Fatigue, swelling in knuckles and feet, frequent urination, headaches, name it, I got it.

Movement: Yes- although not as frequent- but still see lots of baby body parts jutting out of my belly which is the weirdest feeling... these buns are cooked!

Exercise: I am considering any walking motion exercise at this point- because it's a lot of work!

Sleep: Pretty bad this week because I also had a head cold to boot so I couldn't breathe out of my nose. Breathe Right strips have become my new best friend (even though I look ridiculous, they really do help open up the nasal passage). I have to go to the bathroom every hour all night long. *Sigh*

Food Cravings: Surprisingly, not that hungry because my stomach gets full faster. Don't get me wrong, I'll eat whatever's put in front of me... and this week, was the week of cake and cupcakes.

OB Update: Both babies have hit the 6 lb mark! Baby Girl has reclaimed the lead, at 6 lbs 4 oz, and Baby Boy is right behind her at 6 lbs, 2 oz... I'll get another weight check on them on Monday because it will be my LAST ultrasound and doctors appointment before delivery on Friday!! My BP is still running a little high- more blood work was done on Friday- but everything checked out fine so my doctor let me go the weekend.

Expecting Multiples Class- This past Monday Adam and I took this class at Maine Med and I was amazed by all the twin pregnancies out there. There were approximately 10 couples in the class- all expecting twins, with the exception of one couple, who were expecting triplets. Three of the women in the class were all currently hospitalized patients at Maine Med who had been hospitalized for weeks and weeks and were there for the duration of their pregnancies. It made me very grateful that I have had no complications. I was the farthest one along in the entire class. The class was geared more towards first time parents- so I didn't learn that much new information- but we did watch some videos of twin deliveries that made Adam shiver (he could never be a doctor!)

My last day of work was on Friday! It hasn't sunken in yet. I had a crazy busy last week of work as I had to do all my performance reviews of the Gorham staff which meant that I had to write them all- a time suck, but necessary. We also had our annual Chalmers Insurance Golf Invitational... which I didn't play in for obvious reasons, but I showed up at the end for dinner and was bombarded by company reps.... everyone loves looking at/touching a big pregnant belly. The Bridgton office had a cake celebration for me on Thursday and the Gorham office made me pink and blue cupcakes on Friday... hence, the sugar high this week. I am lucky to work with such awesome people.

Project Rainy Room Update. The Rainy Room is finished and I've got some updated photos to publish (see below.) We bought a flat screen TV as well as an electric fireplace which has built in shelving for storage. Pictures have been hung and door handles are now on all the doors- the room looks great. We are very happy with the finished product and know that we will be spending lots of time in this new space.

Nesting- it's not just for the birds. The car seats have been installed, the baby swing is ready to go, I cleaned my breast pump and all the accessories (thank you Paula for the help). My bag is packed- now I just need to get my husband to do the same.

I plan on spending this week relaxing as much as possible. My mom and I are getting manicures/pedicures on Tuesday, which is the one thing I really want to treat myself to before Friday. Speaking of my parents.... they are back in Maine! Yahooooooo.....

Welcome home mom and dad!! They arrived home on September 16th. They are SO excited to be back in their house and back in their hometown. Dad is doing great- he has to wear his neck brace until the end of the month (for his fractured C4 vertebrae)... but his lungs are in perfect working order! I'm so happy that they will both be able to visit me in the hospital for the arrival of the twins.

C 'ya soon... C-Section! This Friday the 27th marks the big day. Surgery is scheduled for 11:30 AM. I'm filled with mixed emotions- as excited as I am to meet these babies, I'm also a little sad that my Sofia will no longer be an only child and our only focus. This past week, however, she has shown great excitement for the arrival of her new brother and sister which has made me feel better about their impending arrival. She has been kissing and hugging my belly all week long- be still my heart. I know that she will be a great big sister- and although it will be a huge adjustment for her- I am committed to making sure that she still has her special mother/daughter time. I love you Sofia- thank you for giving me the gift of being a first-time mommy!

As for my next blog post... stay tuned.... I will try to post something announcing these Cutter Babies arrival... got to keep my blog-fans happy after all! :-)

It was a sugar-high of a week...

A cake send-off from the Bridgton office on Thursday

Pink and Blue cupcakes from the Gorham office on Friday

Project Rainy Room Completion!

A special visit from Sitto and Papa on Sunday!

Sitto reading stories to Sofia in the Rainy Room

He's baaaaaaack!
A Bug's Life
Hand-knit His/Her Centipedes
Made with Love By Nanee Paula and Aunt Kathy
L-O-V-E !
She's finally able to rock a pony tail!
(I had to post this as it's a huge milestone in the Cutter household!)


Sofia hugging her brother and sister!
Be still my heart!

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