Sunday, September 15, 2013

35 weeks (and 33 years old...officially!)

35 weeks, 4 days
 Happy Birthday... to ME! (and I didn't go into labor so I don't have to share my birthday with the twins).

How far along: 35 weeks, 4 days

Size of babies: Honeydew Melons (feels more like watermelons)

Baby Update: Babies should be about 6 lbs a piece now. Kidneys are fully developed and the liver can process waste products. Most of the basic physical development is now complete- they'll spend the next week and a half putting on weight (oh joy!)

Weight Gain: 45 lbs total (hello water weight)

Symptoms: Feeling so uncomfortable these days with approximately 12 lbs of baby in my belly at the moment. My feet and hands are swollen and I'm completely exhausted. Luckily... the end is near... very near.

Movement: Yes- even though they are cramped in there, they still move- the movements are big body parts. The other day during one of my routine ultrasounds, Baby Girl had the hiccups and it was fun watching it on screen and feeling it in my belly at the same time.

Exercise: Not a lick.... except for nesting related exercises- bending over to pick up toys, again and again and again.

Sleep: Not very good- the trips to the bathroom are so frequent that I should buy stock in toilet paper- I honestly go through a roll a day, and that's just me.

Food Cravings: DQ ice cream cake... in honor of my Birthday, of course!

OB Update: Well, my C-Section has officially been bumped up a few days to September 27th, due to my blood pressure, combined with the fact that the doctor knows that I'm so uncomfortable these days and that I have big, healthy babies. Since twins are fully mature at 37 weeks, that's what she bumped me up to. Technically, I'll be 37 weeks and two days... but who's counting?! The C-Section is scheduled for 11:30 AM and Adam and I are to arrive two hours early for pre-op. She said I'll be in the Operating Room for approximately one hour. No measurements were taken of the twins this week- but their guess is that they are about 6 lbs now- I'll know for sure this Friday. They tested me for Group B Strep... which came back negative... so that's good.

Excited: I've decided that my last day of work will be this Friday the 20th. I have much to do before then- in order to leave my desk in proper order- but I'll be working from home at least a few days this week because I'm so uncomfortable even getting in a car and riding long distances. Thank goodness I can work from home. My doctor doesn't really even want me working at this point- but when I told her Friday was my last day, and as a compromise, that I'd work from home a few days this week- she OK'd it... as long as I rest my feet for a good portion of the day.

Granite... I think I love you. Other news, our granite countertops and new sink/faucet are in! I love it! Our kitchen looks so much classier as a result and the granite really makes the cherry cabinets pop. The deep sink will be great for bathing two babies as well. Why did we wait so long to upgrade?!

The Rainy Room is just about complete. Our new sectional couch is in and Adam also bought a flat screen TV and mounted it to the wall. I was finally able to hang some artwork and decals which really completes the room. Unfortunately- you'll have to wait until next week for Rainy Room photos, as I don't have any recent ones and I'm too lazy to run downstairs right now to snap a few pics.

CMP throws Adam a Baby Shower. Adam's co-workers threw him a surprise baby shower on Friday. They gave us a very generous Visa gift card as well as some adorable Carter his/her outfits. Two of his co-workers went to town with puff paints and plain white onesies and created some custom CMP onesies for the babes... pretty cute actually.

Birthday Happenings: I had a great Birthday today- despite Sofia being sick this weekend (she came down with a Cold on Friday). We were originally going to get together today with the Cutter side of the family, but there's nothing like a Cold to scare away parents with young children (hey, I totally understand!) Instead, Adam and Sofia took me out to breakfast to start the day. I then decided that I wanted to go apple-picking so off we went to Thompson's Orchard in New Gloucester. In hind sight- that was not the best decision I've ever made. I forgot how exhausting being hugely pregnant really is- when walking from the car to the orchard gift store is tiring...did I think that walking through rows and rows of apple trees would be any better? The orchard was also packed with people and we had a cranky Sofia on our hands. So- we did the laziest thing of all.... we bought a peck of pre-picked apples from the gift store, along with a 1/2 gallon of Apple Cider, and called it a day! Ha!

We had a nice dinner at home with a DQ ice cream cake (per my request) and presents to round out a great day with my family. I feel so lucky, loved, and humbled by all the phone calls, texts, and FB comments that I received today from family and friends wishing me a Happy Birthday. Thank you to those who reached out to me today- I felt the love. Something tells me that 33 is going to be quite the crazy year for me!

Here are some photos from the week....

Hellooooo granite countertops... I think I love you!

New sink and faucet- plenty big for bathing two babies

Out to breakfast this morning- my girl just loves her accessories (and chocolate donuts)
At Thompson's Orchard earlier today.
With her "wand" in hand she touched every pumpkin attempting to turn them into horse drawn carriages
Time for some DQ cake- and naturally, we had to wear our crowns and tiaras!

Blowing out the candles
Sofia's gift to me = framed artwork for the Rainy Room walls!
I think I have the next Picasso on my hands... ok... wishful thinking.
CMP custom puff paint onesies... for those cute little Cutters...

It's crazy to think that in just 12 days, this pregnancy journey will come to an end... but the next journey begins.... a mother of multiples...hmmm.... do I sense another blog coming? We'll see... 

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