Thursday, September 26, 2013

37 weeks.... last night as a Family of Three!

37 weeks, 1 day
Last pregnant photo of me EVER !
How far along: 37 weeks, 1 day

Size of Babies: A bunch of Swiss chard x 2 (what the heck is Swiss chard anyway?!)

Baby Update: Babies are considered full term! Lungs are mature to fully adjust to life outside the womb. They should weigh over 6 1/3 lbs each and measure over 19 inches head to heal. (We'll know officially tomorrow!!!)

Weight Gain: Holding steady at +47 lbs total

Symptoms: Same as usual- swelling in knuckles and feet (although not as bad in the feet). Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, frequent urination (I'm soooo not going to miss that part of pregnancy).

Movement: Slowing down.... not feeling them move as much at this point because they are jam packed in there.

Exercise: yeah right...

Sleep: I had a few descent nights this week followed by a few horrible nights. I have a feeling that I'm not going to get a good nights sleep tonight due to nerves!

Food Cravings: Pumpkin anything....'tis the season.

OB Update: On Monday I had Adam come with me (to what I thought would be) my last doctor's appointment before Friday's C-Section. My blood pressure was higher than it has been running (138/96) and my doctor was seriously considering pushing up the C-Section from Friday to Tuesday. Adam and I were starting to panic. Granted- it would only be a difference of a few days, however, mentally, we were prepared for Friday so that's what we wanted to stick with... (plus, my sister had already booked her plane ticket for Friday to Maine!) My doctor took my BP a second time and it dropped a few points so we compromised and she agreed to let me stick to a Friday C-Section. However, she wanted me on modified bed rest for the remainder of the week with a follow-up BP check on Wednesday... agreed! I did get her to sign off on me getting a mani/pedi with my mom because I had been looking forward to a mother/daughter day all summer!

I went back on Wednesday, after two days of modified bed rest, and my BP did in fact drop (138/82) so we are sticking with a Friday C-Section as planned..... which is now in fact, TOMORROW!

Excited: On Tuesday afternoon my mom and I did get our mani/pedi in Windham. We went out to lunch and then made a quick pit stop at Marshalls as I wanted a few comfy outfits for post-partum recovery. Thank you mom for spoiling me all day!

Mani's and Pedi's with my mom

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty much spent at home- lying low. I finally feel like everything is in order and I can let my nesting go. I treated myself to a prenatal massage this afternoon (it was heavenly) and then tonight, Adam, Sofia and I went out to dinner at Friendly's for our last dinner out as a family of three. Sofia is excited for tomorrow and that makes me excited/relieved.

My acupuncturist took this photo of me this week- she loved my outfit and belly bump!

Final Thoughts: Tomorrow marks the day that our lives will forever change. I think we're as prepared as we can be- but no doubt- this is going to be the start of a new crazy adventure. I just want to say thank you to all my family and friends for being my cheerleaders these past nine months. You are the ones reading my weekly blog updates (religiously!), sending me cute e-mails of encouragement and support, and helping me prepare for this next chapter. I'm truly a blessed little girl in many ways- I have a great support system of family and friends; an amazing husband, who has been so helpful to me and our daughter (especially this last trimester when I started to really slow down); a wonderful work-family; and the best little three year old daughter, Sofia, my first born- who makes me smile and laugh each day. I am sad that she will no longer be my only child, nor will she have 100% of our attention all the time, but I know I'm giving her a gift as well... the gift of siblings and I personally know how special that gift is... having two special siblings of my own.

My love to all and the next time I post, it will be to announce the arrival of our new additions. Wish us luck!

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