Thursday, September 26, 2013

37 weeks.... last night as a Family of Three!

37 weeks, 1 day
Last pregnant photo of me EVER !
How far along: 37 weeks, 1 day

Size of Babies: A bunch of Swiss chard x 2 (what the heck is Swiss chard anyway?!)

Baby Update: Babies are considered full term! Lungs are mature to fully adjust to life outside the womb. They should weigh over 6 1/3 lbs each and measure over 19 inches head to heal. (We'll know officially tomorrow!!!)

Weight Gain: Holding steady at +47 lbs total

Symptoms: Same as usual- swelling in knuckles and feet (although not as bad in the feet). Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, frequent urination (I'm soooo not going to miss that part of pregnancy).

Movement: Slowing down.... not feeling them move as much at this point because they are jam packed in there.

Exercise: yeah right...

Sleep: I had a few descent nights this week followed by a few horrible nights. I have a feeling that I'm not going to get a good nights sleep tonight due to nerves!

Food Cravings: Pumpkin anything....'tis the season.

OB Update: On Monday I had Adam come with me (to what I thought would be) my last doctor's appointment before Friday's C-Section. My blood pressure was higher than it has been running (138/96) and my doctor was seriously considering pushing up the C-Section from Friday to Tuesday. Adam and I were starting to panic. Granted- it would only be a difference of a few days, however, mentally, we were prepared for Friday so that's what we wanted to stick with... (plus, my sister had already booked her plane ticket for Friday to Maine!) My doctor took my BP a second time and it dropped a few points so we compromised and she agreed to let me stick to a Friday C-Section. However, she wanted me on modified bed rest for the remainder of the week with a follow-up BP check on Wednesday... agreed! I did get her to sign off on me getting a mani/pedi with my mom because I had been looking forward to a mother/daughter day all summer!

I went back on Wednesday, after two days of modified bed rest, and my BP did in fact drop (138/82) so we are sticking with a Friday C-Section as planned..... which is now in fact, TOMORROW!

Excited: On Tuesday afternoon my mom and I did get our mani/pedi in Windham. We went out to lunch and then made a quick pit stop at Marshalls as I wanted a few comfy outfits for post-partum recovery. Thank you mom for spoiling me all day!

Mani's and Pedi's with my mom

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty much spent at home- lying low. I finally feel like everything is in order and I can let my nesting go. I treated myself to a prenatal massage this afternoon (it was heavenly) and then tonight, Adam, Sofia and I went out to dinner at Friendly's for our last dinner out as a family of three. Sofia is excited for tomorrow and that makes me excited/relieved.

My acupuncturist took this photo of me this week- she loved my outfit and belly bump!

Final Thoughts: Tomorrow marks the day that our lives will forever change. I think we're as prepared as we can be- but no doubt- this is going to be the start of a new crazy adventure. I just want to say thank you to all my family and friends for being my cheerleaders these past nine months. You are the ones reading my weekly blog updates (religiously!), sending me cute e-mails of encouragement and support, and helping me prepare for this next chapter. I'm truly a blessed little girl in many ways- I have a great support system of family and friends; an amazing husband, who has been so helpful to me and our daughter (especially this last trimester when I started to really slow down); a wonderful work-family; and the best little three year old daughter, Sofia, my first born- who makes me smile and laugh each day. I am sad that she will no longer be my only child, nor will she have 100% of our attention all the time, but I know I'm giving her a gift as well... the gift of siblings and I personally know how special that gift is... having two special siblings of my own.

My love to all and the next time I post, it will be to announce the arrival of our new additions. Wish us luck!

Monday, September 23, 2013

36 weeks.... and a C-Section on Friday!

36 weeks, 4 days
....and a new haircut!

 How far along: 36 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Head of romaine lettuce

Baby Update: Babies are gaining about an ounce a day. They are shedding the downy hair that covered their bodies, as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protected their skin during their nine-month amniotic bath. As of this Wednesday, babies will be considered full-term!

Weight Gain: 47 lbs total gained (mostly all in my belly- don't ya think?) It looks like I have a basketball under my shirt (granted, a very large basketball).

Symptoms: Fatigue, swelling in knuckles and feet, frequent urination, headaches, name it, I got it.

Movement: Yes- although not as frequent- but still see lots of baby body parts jutting out of my belly which is the weirdest feeling... these buns are cooked!

Exercise: I am considering any walking motion exercise at this point- because it's a lot of work!

Sleep: Pretty bad this week because I also had a head cold to boot so I couldn't breathe out of my nose. Breathe Right strips have become my new best friend (even though I look ridiculous, they really do help open up the nasal passage). I have to go to the bathroom every hour all night long. *Sigh*

Food Cravings: Surprisingly, not that hungry because my stomach gets full faster. Don't get me wrong, I'll eat whatever's put in front of me... and this week, was the week of cake and cupcakes.

OB Update: Both babies have hit the 6 lb mark! Baby Girl has reclaimed the lead, at 6 lbs 4 oz, and Baby Boy is right behind her at 6 lbs, 2 oz... I'll get another weight check on them on Monday because it will be my LAST ultrasound and doctors appointment before delivery on Friday!! My BP is still running a little high- more blood work was done on Friday- but everything checked out fine so my doctor let me go the weekend.

Expecting Multiples Class- This past Monday Adam and I took this class at Maine Med and I was amazed by all the twin pregnancies out there. There were approximately 10 couples in the class- all expecting twins, with the exception of one couple, who were expecting triplets. Three of the women in the class were all currently hospitalized patients at Maine Med who had been hospitalized for weeks and weeks and were there for the duration of their pregnancies. It made me very grateful that I have had no complications. I was the farthest one along in the entire class. The class was geared more towards first time parents- so I didn't learn that much new information- but we did watch some videos of twin deliveries that made Adam shiver (he could never be a doctor!)

My last day of work was on Friday! It hasn't sunken in yet. I had a crazy busy last week of work as I had to do all my performance reviews of the Gorham staff which meant that I had to write them all- a time suck, but necessary. We also had our annual Chalmers Insurance Golf Invitational... which I didn't play in for obvious reasons, but I showed up at the end for dinner and was bombarded by company reps.... everyone loves looking at/touching a big pregnant belly. The Bridgton office had a cake celebration for me on Thursday and the Gorham office made me pink and blue cupcakes on Friday... hence, the sugar high this week. I am lucky to work with such awesome people.

Project Rainy Room Update. The Rainy Room is finished and I've got some updated photos to publish (see below.) We bought a flat screen TV as well as an electric fireplace which has built in shelving for storage. Pictures have been hung and door handles are now on all the doors- the room looks great. We are very happy with the finished product and know that we will be spending lots of time in this new space.

Nesting- it's not just for the birds. The car seats have been installed, the baby swing is ready to go, I cleaned my breast pump and all the accessories (thank you Paula for the help). My bag is packed- now I just need to get my husband to do the same.

I plan on spending this week relaxing as much as possible. My mom and I are getting manicures/pedicures on Tuesday, which is the one thing I really want to treat myself to before Friday. Speaking of my parents.... they are back in Maine! Yahooooooo.....

Welcome home mom and dad!! They arrived home on September 16th. They are SO excited to be back in their house and back in their hometown. Dad is doing great- he has to wear his neck brace until the end of the month (for his fractured C4 vertebrae)... but his lungs are in perfect working order! I'm so happy that they will both be able to visit me in the hospital for the arrival of the twins.

C 'ya soon... C-Section! This Friday the 27th marks the big day. Surgery is scheduled for 11:30 AM. I'm filled with mixed emotions- as excited as I am to meet these babies, I'm also a little sad that my Sofia will no longer be an only child and our only focus. This past week, however, she has shown great excitement for the arrival of her new brother and sister which has made me feel better about their impending arrival. She has been kissing and hugging my belly all week long- be still my heart. I know that she will be a great big sister- and although it will be a huge adjustment for her- I am committed to making sure that she still has her special mother/daughter time. I love you Sofia- thank you for giving me the gift of being a first-time mommy!

As for my next blog post... stay tuned.... I will try to post something announcing these Cutter Babies arrival... got to keep my blog-fans happy after all! :-)

It was a sugar-high of a week...

A cake send-off from the Bridgton office on Thursday

Pink and Blue cupcakes from the Gorham office on Friday

Project Rainy Room Completion!

A special visit from Sitto and Papa on Sunday!

Sitto reading stories to Sofia in the Rainy Room

He's baaaaaaack!
A Bug's Life
Hand-knit His/Her Centipedes
Made with Love By Nanee Paula and Aunt Kathy
L-O-V-E !
She's finally able to rock a pony tail!
(I had to post this as it's a huge milestone in the Cutter household!)


Sofia hugging her brother and sister!
Be still my heart!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

35 weeks (and 33 years old...officially!)

35 weeks, 4 days
 Happy Birthday... to ME! (and I didn't go into labor so I don't have to share my birthday with the twins).

How far along: 35 weeks, 4 days

Size of babies: Honeydew Melons (feels more like watermelons)

Baby Update: Babies should be about 6 lbs a piece now. Kidneys are fully developed and the liver can process waste products. Most of the basic physical development is now complete- they'll spend the next week and a half putting on weight (oh joy!)

Weight Gain: 45 lbs total (hello water weight)

Symptoms: Feeling so uncomfortable these days with approximately 12 lbs of baby in my belly at the moment. My feet and hands are swollen and I'm completely exhausted. Luckily... the end is near... very near.

Movement: Yes- even though they are cramped in there, they still move- the movements are big body parts. The other day during one of my routine ultrasounds, Baby Girl had the hiccups and it was fun watching it on screen and feeling it in my belly at the same time.

Exercise: Not a lick.... except for nesting related exercises- bending over to pick up toys, again and again and again.

Sleep: Not very good- the trips to the bathroom are so frequent that I should buy stock in toilet paper- I honestly go through a roll a day, and that's just me.

Food Cravings: DQ ice cream cake... in honor of my Birthday, of course!

OB Update: Well, my C-Section has officially been bumped up a few days to September 27th, due to my blood pressure, combined with the fact that the doctor knows that I'm so uncomfortable these days and that I have big, healthy babies. Since twins are fully mature at 37 weeks, that's what she bumped me up to. Technically, I'll be 37 weeks and two days... but who's counting?! The C-Section is scheduled for 11:30 AM and Adam and I are to arrive two hours early for pre-op. She said I'll be in the Operating Room for approximately one hour. No measurements were taken of the twins this week- but their guess is that they are about 6 lbs now- I'll know for sure this Friday. They tested me for Group B Strep... which came back negative... so that's good.

Excited: I've decided that my last day of work will be this Friday the 20th. I have much to do before then- in order to leave my desk in proper order- but I'll be working from home at least a few days this week because I'm so uncomfortable even getting in a car and riding long distances. Thank goodness I can work from home. My doctor doesn't really even want me working at this point- but when I told her Friday was my last day, and as a compromise, that I'd work from home a few days this week- she OK'd it... as long as I rest my feet for a good portion of the day.

Granite... I think I love you. Other news, our granite countertops and new sink/faucet are in! I love it! Our kitchen looks so much classier as a result and the granite really makes the cherry cabinets pop. The deep sink will be great for bathing two babies as well. Why did we wait so long to upgrade?!

The Rainy Room is just about complete. Our new sectional couch is in and Adam also bought a flat screen TV and mounted it to the wall. I was finally able to hang some artwork and decals which really completes the room. Unfortunately- you'll have to wait until next week for Rainy Room photos, as I don't have any recent ones and I'm too lazy to run downstairs right now to snap a few pics.

CMP throws Adam a Baby Shower. Adam's co-workers threw him a surprise baby shower on Friday. They gave us a very generous Visa gift card as well as some adorable Carter his/her outfits. Two of his co-workers went to town with puff paints and plain white onesies and created some custom CMP onesies for the babes... pretty cute actually.

Birthday Happenings: I had a great Birthday today- despite Sofia being sick this weekend (she came down with a Cold on Friday). We were originally going to get together today with the Cutter side of the family, but there's nothing like a Cold to scare away parents with young children (hey, I totally understand!) Instead, Adam and Sofia took me out to breakfast to start the day. I then decided that I wanted to go apple-picking so off we went to Thompson's Orchard in New Gloucester. In hind sight- that was not the best decision I've ever made. I forgot how exhausting being hugely pregnant really is- when walking from the car to the orchard gift store is tiring...did I think that walking through rows and rows of apple trees would be any better? The orchard was also packed with people and we had a cranky Sofia on our hands. So- we did the laziest thing of all.... we bought a peck of pre-picked apples from the gift store, along with a 1/2 gallon of Apple Cider, and called it a day! Ha!

We had a nice dinner at home with a DQ ice cream cake (per my request) and presents to round out a great day with my family. I feel so lucky, loved, and humbled by all the phone calls, texts, and FB comments that I received today from family and friends wishing me a Happy Birthday. Thank you to those who reached out to me today- I felt the love. Something tells me that 33 is going to be quite the crazy year for me!

Here are some photos from the week....

Hellooooo granite countertops... I think I love you!

New sink and faucet- plenty big for bathing two babies

Out to breakfast this morning- my girl just loves her accessories (and chocolate donuts)
At Thompson's Orchard earlier today.
With her "wand" in hand she touched every pumpkin attempting to turn them into horse drawn carriages
Time for some DQ cake- and naturally, we had to wear our crowns and tiaras!

Blowing out the candles
Sofia's gift to me = framed artwork for the Rainy Room walls!
I think I have the next Picasso on my hands... ok... wishful thinking.
CMP custom puff paint onesies... for those cute little Cutters...

It's crazy to think that in just 12 days, this pregnancy journey will come to an end... but the next journey begins.... a mother of multiples...hmmm.... do I sense another blog coming? We'll see... 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

34 weeks.

34 weeks, 4 days
How Far Along: 34 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Cantaloupes

Baby Update: Babies fat layers are filling out, making them rounder and their skin is also smoother than ever. Their central nervous system is maturing and their lungs are continuing to mature as well. Babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine and usually do as well as full-term babies (good to know!)

Weight Gain: +42 lbs total

Symptoms: Nothing new to report- my hands are still the most troublesome these days as my knuckles are still so very swollen and arthritic- you can actually hear them clicking when I bend them and during the night, they lock into place and it's very painful when I try to bend them. The trips to the bathroom are very frequent- especially during the night- but that's nothing new. My blood pressure is still elevated- but on Friday's OB visit (which was conveniently scheduled directly after an acupuncture visit) my BP went down from 132/92 to 128/84... hey... I'll take it. (I swear by acupuncture!!)

Movement: Yep- you would think that the movement starts to slow down as they run out of room, but I can still feel huge kicks, heads, butts, and elbows.

Exercise: Walked the neighborhood a couple of times with the fam and still nesting like crazy- that might put me into labor on its own!

Sleep: Heavily disrupted by bathroom breaks and it's getting increasingly more difficult to fall back asleep each time.

Food Cravings: Banana bread.... so I made some... still not as good as Paula's!

OB Update: This week I went to the doctors on Tuesday and Friday. Dr. Worster is most likely going to bump up my C-Section date to the week of Sept. 23rd- it will probably be on the 26th or 27th due to scheduling... stay tuned on that. The reason being- my BP and the fact that she knows I'm mighty uncomfortable and reaching my end point. Technically 37 weeks is considered full term for twins, so she's thinking that an Oct. 1st C-Section (at 38 weeks) was wishful thinking on her part. The ultrasound on Friday was a measurement check and Baby Girl is weighing in at 5 lbs 8 oz and Baby Boy is 5 lbs 12 oz! That's over 11 lbs of baby and I still have 3 more weeks to go! I think that's another reason why she's going to bump up my C-Section... she knows they are going to be big babies and lungs are fully mature at 37 weeks. She still wants me resting my feet for 1-2 hours a day and cutting back from work- I've been trying to abide- but I seem to have a hard time sitting still!

Excited: It's official, we hired a Nanny! We invited Jenn back to our home today for a second interview and this time we asked that she bring her 2-year old son, Darby, for a play date to meet Sofia (as Darby will be coming to work with her). Darby is adorable- very well mannered and seems to go with the flow. Sofia, on the other hand, was a little brat the whole visit... I was rather embarrassed by her behavior as she didn't want Darby playing with her toys and at one point she sat in the corner by herself and sulked (she's so dramatic- who does she get that from?!) I know "sharing" is a hard concept for a 3-year to grasp, but good Lord, she's got to learn sooner than later!

We offered Jenn the position and she's delighted to work for us. I'm probably going to have her start 2-3 days a week come mid-October, while I'm on maternity leave, and then come early Jan, she'll be four 10-hour days/week and I plan on working from home one day a week- until I can't handle that any more and ask Jenn to go 5 full days (which she can do whenever I'm ready.) So- we are very excited as seeing Jenn a second time only solidified our comfort level with her in our home.

Project Rainy Room Update: We made some more progress this week- or, should I say, my in-laws, Michael and Paula, made some good progress this week. They were at our house all day Thursday/Friday/and a good chunk of Saturday installing doors, mop boards, trim work, etc. They are incredible! We moved in a good portion of Sofia's toys and she seems to be enjoying her new space. We also bought a sectional/modular couch! It's due to arrive this Thursday. I'm excited to put things up on the walls- I've bought a few posters and decals but haven't hung them yet.

Nesting Update: Good Lord, the nesting is crazy. I pulled out all of the baby bouncers, play mats, car seats, etc. and washed everything- now I just need to put it all back together. Tomorrow we are having granite countertops installed in our kitchen as well as a new sink and faucet... have we totally lost our mind? That nesting project was more Adam's idea than mine, but I've always dreamed of having granite countertops, so why not?!

Here are some new photos of the Rainy Room...

The toys have infiltrated
Art Easel and Table
 (delighted to relocate these items to the basement!)
Trim work and shelf below the window- all done!

Floor in the "green" room now installed

The sectional couch we bought for the "green" room (thank you Bob's Discount!)

.... and now.... I think I'll go check on my husband who is doing some paint "touch ups" on the walls in the Rainy Room. Have a good week all!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

33 weeks.

33 weeks, 4 days
How far along: 33 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Pineapples

Baby Update: Babies' bones are hardening and they are continuing to grow, grow, grow...        (I'll say!)

Weight Gain: 41 pounds total

Symptoms: Fluid retention in my knuckles and feet. My knuckles are bothering me more than my enlarged feet because they feel so arthritic, especially in the morning. Continuing to have Braxton Hicks Contractions and my belly button has really popped out... these turkeys are almost done.

Movement: Lots of movement still. One night this past week, when I was sleeping, I swear baby boy's butt was practically in my throat. His butt was so high up my torso that I felt like it was cutting off my air supply. I continue to feel major body parts and lots of activity seems to center around my belly button as that's where both babies' heads are located.

Exercise: Lots of nesting still happening- I pulled Sofia in her wagon today (but that's proving to be more difficult) and I did some spontaneous weeding of my garden this morning but the humidity was too unbearable to continue.

Sleep: I've started to keep an eye on the time, to track my bathroom break schedule, and it's like clockwork... every two hours all night long....ugh. It's proving to be more and more difficult to get back to sleep each time as well.

Food Cravings: Lobster rolls! Paying homage to my Maine routes!

OB Update: This week I went to the doctors on Tuesday and Thursday and Dr. Worster returned from her vacation so I was excited to be back under her care. My blood pressure has started to rise, which is a concern, so Dr. Worster said it's time for me to start cutting back from work. She wants me to keep my feet elevated for at least two hours a day. The babies are doing great and growing (although no weight check on them this week). Baby Girl is still breech and Baby Boy is still transverse- as a result of these positions, my C-Section has officially been scheduled for October 1st at 12pm. By then, I'll be 37 weeks and 6 days. I'm not positive that I'll make it that far, without going into labor on my own, but we'll see! If my blood pressure continues to rise, my doctor will probably push that date up or put me on permanent bed rest (boo). The goal is to cook these babies as long as possible and I'm in the final stretch, which is the most important stretch, at this point.

Project Rainy Room Update: Our basement project is nearing completion. The contractor is just about finished with his portion of the project. We made a lot of progress this past weekend and Adam, with help from his parents (thank you M & P!), painted the playroom, installed mop boards, did some trim work around the windows, installed a door, and installed some of the rubber mat flooring. There's still a little bit more to do before we can start moving the toys down there- but I'm very happy with the progress we've made so far and it's nice to see the project nearing completion. Yay!

The Nanny Diaries: I reached out to the Greater Portland Moms of Multiples Club that I joined a few months ago and asked if anyone had a Nanny referral and I got a great lead from one of the moms of multiples (who has triplet girls, age: 3 1/2). Her girls are starting preschool this Fall so she doesn't need her Nanny full time anymore. Adam and I interviewed the Nanny today and it went really well- she seems down to earth, flexible, kind, and most importantly, our child-rearing philosophies seem to align (a very important thing!) Her name is Jenn. Jenn has a two year old son, Darby, who does come to work with her- they are a package deal- but her references were so fabulous that Darby is not a deal-breaker for me. From what I've heard from her prior employer, Darby has been nothing but a bonus for her triplet girls and they treat him like a little brother. So- I've arranged for Darby to have a play date with Sofia next weekend so I can see how they interact. If Jenn is comfortable caring for triplet 3 year olds, along with her 2 year old, then I think she can handle my situation (of course she assured me that she can.)

Labor Day Fun: Despite the basement project work over the weekend, we managed to escape to the Cutter's Camp on Taylor Pond in Auburn tonight for dinner (lobster rolls of course) and a boat ride- it was a nice end to the summer and now I'm getting more and more anxious (and prepared) to meet these babies in about four more weeks. Paula said it's time for me to start packing my hospital bag.

Some photos from the week/weekend...

Project Rainy Room

Half wall on the left splits the room into two mini-play areas

Not quite finished- but we're getting there!
Alternate view- you can see the paint choices from this angle

Thank you Sitto for the pretty dress! Also- notice the drawings on the fridge...
Sofia made them for Sitto and Papa today!
Captain Sofia and GP
Daddy with his girls

Hope you all had a nice and relaxing Labor Day Weekend!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

32 weeks.

32 weeks, 4 days...
Look who made it into the photo this week!

How far along: 32 weeks, 4 days

Size of Babies: Two large jicamas

Baby Update: Babies are taking up a lot of space in my uterus (ya think?!). They are gaining about 1/2 pound per week at this point. They have toenails, fingernails, and real hair. Their skin is becoming soft and smooth as they plump up in preparation for birth.

Fraternal twins at 32 weeks gestation

Weight Gain: +1 lb this week (total of 40 lbs gained)

Symptoms: I'm starting to really slow down these days- very tired off and on throughout the day. I've started to retain fluid in my knuckles so my hands have been feeling very arthritic (all normal symptoms). My feet are a little swollen as well. Bathroom breaks about every three steps I take... so annoying!

Movement: Constant movement- you'd think they are getting too big to move now, but I feel them all the time- I'm so used to it now. My Uncle Bruce actually saw my belly moving while at work- which I'm pretty sure freaked him right out!

Exercise: A lot of walking this week- but my movement is pretty slow- I doubt I even burn any calories.

Sleep: The bathroom breaks are a major downer... since I have to pee about 3-5 times a night. I'm still able to go right back to sleep each time (thank God)... but it's just such an interruption to have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom....again, and again, and again.

Food Cravings: Still craving the McDonald's Chocolate Chip Frappe.... I think I get one a week... is that bad?!

OB Update: Well- this week marked the start of my twice weekly ultrasounds and doctors appointments. Unfortunately, my doctor was on vacation this week, so I had to see other physicians. One of them was a male, and I swear that was the reason for my slightly elevated blood pressure on Tuesday. I had a female at my Friday's appointment and my blood pressure was fine. Babies are doing great- Baby Boy has taken the lead in terms of weight, he's measuring approximately 4 lbs 9 oz and Baby Girl is right behind him at 4 lbs 8 oz. Baby Boy has quite the head of hair on him! 

One recent development is that Baby Girl is now breech again- since two weeks ago, she did a huge flip from head down on my left side, to head up on my right side. She's since pushed Baby Boy a tad diagonal to my left side (he's basically straddling his sister's head- looks like he's sitting on her head in fact.) If I go into labor now, it's definitely a C-Section. They also started checking me for dilation and I haven't started dilating yet (which is good). No signs of early labor at this point. I am measuring as if I'm 40 weeks though... man... I'm going to be HUGE!

Sofia officially turned 3!

This past Wednesday (Aug 21st) was Sofia's actual birthday. We had a nice dinner celebration with Sofia, Adam and I. She was very excited to open presents and we were able to Facetime with Sitto and Papa so they got to see her opening presents. She got a dollhouse, dollhouse furniture, and a family for the house from Adam and I... she was very excited as that's what she's been wanting for quite some time. The dollhouse came in a million little pieces and poor Adam had to put that together! The end result was worth it though and we have a very happy little 3 year old.

A million little pieces...

Exterior Front of Dollhouse

Interior of Dollhouse

One happy little camper!

Oh what a weekend!

It started on Friday night with a maternity/family photo shoot session at Pineland Farms. A friend of mine, Amanda Whitegiver, who's starting her own photography business, took the photos to help build her portfolio- I'm excited to see how they turn out. I'm posting one family photo below as a teaser.

Yesterday, we took Sofia to a Sibling Class at MMC from 10-12pm. There were four couples there with their firstborns (all around Sofia's age). The instructor taught the kids how to diaper a baby doll, how to swaddle, etc. She read a book about bringing home baby and showed some kid-friendly short videos as well. We also got to tour MMC's Birthing Suite, Triage Room, and Infant Nursery (brought back memories!) It was a good use of our time and Sofia seemed to enjoy herself and I think she got something out of it.

 Afterwards, off to Funtown/Splashtown we went! We wanted to do a last hurrah 'Fun Day' with Sofia so we went big! I paid for it later... an 8-month pregnant woman with twins shouldn't be pushing strollers around an amusement park in the heat- I was totally exhausted. We did a little bit of the Spashtown park to start (but the water was freezing cold and therefore not enjoyable). We continued on to the Funtown park and Sofia was only excited about a few rides. Afterwards, I asked her what her favorite part was and she said the Sibling Class.... just goes to show you that sometimes less is more! Adam laughed and said we should've just taken her to the carousel at the mall... she would've had the same amount of fun for a fraction of the price.

Happy Baptism Day to Lillie Fleming!

Today, Sunday, was my Cousin Anne's daughter, Lillie's Baptism. Lille is 15-months old and is such a gorgeous little girl with the most enviable curls that always look perfectly styled! She was an angel in church too and she got to wear the vintage Braithwaite/Chalmers christening gown- which is a tradition in our family for all the Chalmers children to wear on their baptism day (my dad even wore it when he was a baby). We went to the church service and then back to the Fleming's house for lunch. Sofia always has lots of fun with her cousins and they have a great house for entertaining kids.

The photo below was taken at Pineland Farms back in 2011 when Sofia was 13-months old. At my recent maternity/family photo shoot this past Friday, back at Pineland Farms, I wanted to re-create the same family photo...where does the time go???

Pineland Farms 2011 (Sofia age 13 months)
Pineland Farms 2013 (Sofia age 3)

At Funtown/Splashtown USA....

On the kiddie train
Spinning tea cups with daddy
The carousel... her favorite!
Lillie's Baptism...
Katie and Jim (godparents) with Anne & Keith (proud parents)
Lillie with the pastor

All in all... it was a great weekend... but this mama is exhausted! Have a great week!